Reputation: 21
I need to make a hangman program with python program but i don't know how to continue. in the program i are given 6 chances, otherwise known as a “life line”, to guess the letters in the word. Every wrong guess will shorten the “life line”. The game will end when you guess the word correctly or you have used up all your “life line”. Here is the sample output:
['_', '_', '_', '_']
***Life Line***
Enter your guess: a
['_', '_', '_', '_']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a']
Enter your guess: b
['b', '_', '_', '_']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a']
Enter your guess: l
['b', 'l', '_', '_']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a']
Enter your guess: o
['b', 'l', '_', '_']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a', 'o']
Enter your guess: u
['b', 'l', 'u', '_']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a', 'o']
Enter your guess: e
['b', 'l', 'u', 'e']
***Life Line***
Incorrect Guess: ['a', 'o']
You Got it Right! Well Done!
i have already typed in the first few codes but got stuck.
import random
wordList = ["Mary","Tian Pei","Pong"]
randname = random.choice ( wordList)
print randname
resultList = [ ]
for i in range(len(randname)):
print resultList
Upvotes: 1
Views: 788
Reputation: 1
import random
Uncomment this section to use these instead of life-lines
===''', '''
O |
===''', '''
O |
| |
===''', '''
O |
/| |
===''', '''
O |
/|\ |
===''', '''
O |
/|\ |
/ |
===''', '''
O |
/|\ |
/ \ |
-+-+-+-+-+-+ ''','''
-+-+-+-+-+ ''','''
-+-+-+-+ ''','''
-+-+-+ ''','''
-+-+ ''','''
-+ ''','''
words = '''ant baboon badger bat bear beaver camel kangaroo chicken panda giraffe
raccoon frog shark fish cat clam cobra crow deer dog donkey duck eagle ferret fox frog
goat goose hawk lion lizard llama mole monkey moose mouse mule newt otter owl panda parrot
pigeon python rabbit ram rat raven rhino salmon seal shark sheep skunk sloth snake spider stork
swan tiger toad trout turkey turtle weasel whale wolf wombat zebra'''.split()
# List of all the words
def getRandomWord(wordList):
wordIndex = random.randint(0, len(wordList) - 1) # Random index
# Indexes in python start from 0, therefore len(wordList) - 1
return wordList[wordIndex] # Chooses a random word from the list which is a passed through the function
# Returns the random word
def displayBoard(missedLetters, correctLetters, secretWord):
print('Missed letters:', end=' ')
for letter in missedLetters:
print(letter, end=' ')
# Displaying each letter of the string 'missedLetters'
blanks = '_' * len(secretWord)
for i in range(len(secretWord)):
if secretWord[i] in correctLetters:
blanks = blanks[:i] + secretWord[i] + blanks[i+1:]
# Checking for characters that match and replacing the blank with the character
for letter in blanks:
print(letter, end=' ')
# Printing the blanks and correct guesses
def getGuess(alreadyGuessed):
while True:
print('Guess a letter.')
guess = input()
guess = guess.lower()
if len(guess) != 1: # more than 1 letters entered
print('Please enter a single letter.')
elif guess in alreadyGuessed: # letter already guessed
print('You have already guessed that letter. Choose again.')
elif guess not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': # not a letter
print('Please enter a LETTER.')
return guess
# Taking a guess as input and checking if it's valid
# The loop will keep reiterating till it reaches 'else'
def playAgain():
print('Do you want to play again? (yes or no)')
return input().lower().startswith('y')
# Returns a boolean value
print('H A N G M A N')
missedLetters = ''
correctLetters = ''
secretWord = getRandomWord(words) # Calls the 'getRandomWord' function
gameIsDone = False
while True:
displayBoard(missedLetters, correctLetters, secretWord)
guess = getGuess(missedLetters + correctLetters)
if guess in secretWord:
correctLetters = correctLetters + guess
foundAllLetters = True
for i in range(len(secretWord)):
if secretWord[i] not in correctLetters:
foundAllLetters = False
# if any letter of the 'secretWord' is not in 'correctLetters', 'foundAllLetters' is made False
# If the program doesn't enter the if statement, it means all the letters of the 'secretWord' are in 'correctLetters'
if foundAllLetters: # if foundAllLetters = True
print('Yes! The secret word is "' + secretWord +
'"! You have won!')
# Printing the secret word
gameIsDone = True
missedLetters = missedLetters + guess
if len(missedLetters) == len(HANGMAN_PICS) - 1:
displayBoard(missedLetters, correctLetters, secretWord)
print('You have run out of guesses!\nAfter ' +
str(len(missedLetters)) + ' missed guesses and ' +
str(len(correctLetters)) + ' correct guesses, the word was "' + secretWord + '"')
# Prints the answer and the all guesses
gameIsDone = True
if gameIsDone:
if playAgain():
missedLetters = ''
correctLetters = ''
gameIsDone = False
secretWord = getRandomWord(words)
# Restarts Game
# Program finishes
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5184
You can do something like this. See the comments in the code for explanations about the logic.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import random
wordList = ["Mary","Tian Pei","Pong"]
randname = random.choice ( wordList)
resultList = []
# When creating the resultList you will want the spaces already filled in
# You probably don't want the user to guess for spaces, only letters.
for letter in randname:
if letter == ' ':
resultList.append(' ')
# We are storing the number of lifeline 'chances' we have here
# and the letters that have already been guessed
lifeline = 6
guesses = []
# The game does not end until you win, on run out of guesses
while guesses != 0:
# This prints the 'scoreboard'
print resultList
print '***Life Line***'
print '-+' * lifeline
print '$|' * lifeline
print '-+' * lifeline
print 'Incorrect Guess: %s' % guesses
# If the win condition is met, then we break out of the while loop
# I placed it here so that you see the scoreboard once more before
# the game ends
if ''.join(resultList) == randname:
print 'You win!'
# raw_input because I'm using 2.7
g = raw_input("What letter do you want to guess?:")
# If the user has already guessed the letter incorrectly,
# we want to forgive them and skip this iteration
if g in guesses:
print 'You already guessed that!'
# The lower port here is important, without it guesses are
# case sensitive, which seems wrong.
if g.lower() in [letter.lower() for letter in randname]:
# this goes over each letter in randname, then flips
# the appropriate postions in resultList
for pos, letter in enumerate(randname):
if g.lower() == letter.lower():
resultList[pos] = letter
# If the letter is not in randname, we reduce lifeline
# add the guess to guesses and move on
lifeline -= 1
Let me know if you need anything clarified.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11066
Create the blank list:
>>> name = "Mary"
>>> blanks = ["_" for letter in name]
>>> blanks
['_', '_', '_', '_']
Create a list of incorrect guesses:
>>> incorrect_guesses = # you figure this one out
Set up your life-lines:
>>> life_lines = # you figure this one out
Prompt for a guess:
>>> guess = raw_input("Guess: ")
Guess: a
>>> guess
Save a variable which says whether or not the guess was incorrect:
>>> incorrect = # you figure this one out
Iterate over the name
and replace the respective blank line in blanks
with the letter if the respective letter in name
is the same as the guess
>>> for i in range(len(name)):
... if name[i] == guess:
... incorrect = # you figure this one out
... blanks[i] = # you figure this one out
>>> blanks
['_', 'a', '_', '_']
If incorrect
is True
, add the guess
to the incorrect_guesses
(in this case, since the guess was correct, it wouldn't update) and subtract a life-line:
>>> if incorrect:
... incorrect_guesses.append( # you figure this one out )
... life_lines -= # you figure this one out
To check for equivalence, join the letters in blanks
to re-form the original word so that you can compare the two:
>>> final = ''.join(blanks) # this connects each letter with an empty string
>>> final
The general control structure could be the following:
choose random word
create blanks list
set up life-lines
while life_lines is greater than 0 and word not completed:
print blanks list
print life_lines graphic
if there are incorrect guesses:
print incorrect guesses
prompt for guess
check if correct and fill in blanks
if incorrect:
add to incorrect guesses and subtract a life-line
if word completed:
you win
you lose
It's up to you to fill in the blanks I wrote here (and to write your own routines for printing the life-line graphics and such).
Upvotes: 2