Reputation: 13677
I 'invented' a recursion scheme which is a generalization of catamorphism. When you fold a data structure with catamorphism you don't have access to subterms, only to subresults of folding:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import qualified Data.Map as M
newtype Fix f = Fix { unFix :: f (Fix f) }
cata :: Functor f => (f b -> b) -> Fix f -> b
cata phi = self where
self = phi . fmap (\x -> self x) . unFix
The folding function phi
has only access to the result of self x
, but not to original x
. So I added a joining function:
cataWithSubterm :: Functor f => (Fix f -> c -> b) -> (f b -> c) -> Fix f -> c
cataWithSubterm join phi = self
where self = phi . fmap (\x -> join x (self x)) . unFix
Now it's possible to combine x
and self x
in a meaningful way, for example using (,)
data ExampleFunctor a = Var String | Application a a deriving Functor
type Subterm = Fix ExampleFunctor
type Result = M.Map String [Subterm]
varArgs :: ExampleFunctor (Subterm, Result) -> Result
varArgs a = case a of
Var _ -> M.empty
Application ((Fix (Var var)), _) (arg, m) -> M.insertWith (++) var [arg] m
processTerm :: (ExampleFunctor (Subterm, Result) -> Result) -> Subterm -> Result
processTerm phi term = cataWithSubterm (,) phi term
processTerm varArgs
returns for each identifier the list of actual arguments it receives on different control paths. E.g. for bar (foo 2) (foo 5)
it returns fromList [("foo", [2, 5])]
Note that in this example results are combined uniformly with other results, so I expect existence of a simpler implementation using a derived instance of Data.Foldable
. But in general it's not the case as phi
can apply its knowledge of internal structure of ExampleFunctor
to combine 'subterms' and 'subresults' in ways not possible with Foldable.
My question is: can I build processTerm
using stock functions from a modern recursion schemes library such as recursion-schemes/Data.Functor.Foldable
Upvotes: 11
Views: 553
Reputation: 63349
Folding such that it "eats the argument and keeps it too" is called a paramorphism. Indeed, your function can be readily expressed using recursion-schemes as
cataWithSubterm :: Functor f => (Fix f -> b -> a) -> (f a -> b) -> Fix f -> b
cataWithSubterm f g = para $ g . fmap (uncurry f)
Moreover, if we supply (,)
to cataWithSubterm
as you did in processTerm
, we get
cataWithSubterm (,) :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, b) -> b) -> Fix f -> b
which is precisely para
specialized for Fix
para :: Functor f => (f (Fix f, b) -> b) -> Fix f -> b
Upvotes: 12