Reputation: 435
Let's say I have a data matrix d
pc = prcomp(d)
# pc1 and pc2 are the principal components
pc1 = pc$rotation[,1]
pc2 = pc$rotation[,2]
Then this should fit the linear regression model right?
r = lm(y ~ pc1+pc2)
But then I get this error :
Errormodel.frame.default(formula = y ~ pc1+pc2, drop.unused.levels = TRUE) :
unequal dimensions('pc1')
I guess there a packages out there who do this automatically, but this should work too?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 23586
Reputation: 226087
Answer: you don't want pc$rotation, it's the rotation matrix and not the matrix of rotated values (scores).
Make up some data:
x1 = runif(100)
x2 = runif(100)
y = rnorm(2+3*x1+4*x2)
d = cbind(x1,x2)
pc = prcomp(d)
## [1] 2 2
Oops. The "x" component is what we want. From ?prcomp:
x: if ‘retx’ is true the value of the rotated data (the centred (and scaled if requested) data multiplied by the ‘rotation' matrix) is returned.
## [1] 100 2
## Call:
## lm(formula = y ~ pc$x[, 1] + pc$x[, 2])
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) pc$x[, 1] pc$x[, 2]
## 0.04942 0.14272 -0.13557
Upvotes: 18