Reputation: 690
I got stuck with the following problem.
I have a class, say Post, that looks like:
case class Post (
id: Int,
slug: String,
title: String,
text: String,
isVisible: Boolean,
created: Timestamp,
lastUpdated: Timestamp,
published: Option[Timestamp]
) extends KeyedEntity[Int]
My problem is to get previous and next posts from the database, when the posts in ordered by published field. The problem I stuck with is that published field is Option[Timestamp]. I created a Squeryl query like this:
val nextPost = from(postTable)( p =>
where((p.published > post.published) and p.isVisible === true)
orderBy(p.published asc)
).page(0, 1)
And when I looked at the resulted sql I saw something like this: "... WHERE post.published > Some("....") ..." and of course this resulted in a syntax error in SQL query.
I looked throgh the documentation, but cannot find the answer. I am already thinking of switching to Slick...
There is a definite bug in squeryl mysql query construction. I ended up with
val x : Timestamp = post.published.getOrElse(new Timestamp(0))
val nextPost = from(postTable)( p =>
where((p.published.getOrElse(new Timestamp(0)) > x) and p.isVisible === true)
orderBy(p.published asc)
).page(0, 1)
which produces query:
Post9.lastUpdated as Post9_lastUpdated,
Post9.published as Post9_published,
Post9.postText as Post9_postText,
Post9.slug as Post9_slug, as Post9_id,
Post9.isVisible as Post9_isVisible,
Post9.title as Post9_title,
Post9.created as Post9_created
Post Post9
((Post9.published > 2013-08-01 14:21:25.0) and (Post9.isVisible = true))
Order By
Post9.published Asc
limit 1 offset 0
see, how the query constructor formatted the date...
I am switching to SLICK.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1404
Reputation: 10276
I think this is because you compared Timestamps, not DB objects. It's vital to understand the difference to use squeryl.
So, you should use instead:
p.published gte post.published
p.published.~ > post.published
p.published === post.published
p.published gt post.published
and actually all examples where "less"/"greater" are needed.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 8932
I didn't verify this, but have you tried
p.published.get > post.published.get
This should help you getting rid of the Some(...)
Attention: Your query might behave diffetently, because in SQL "NULL == NULL" is not true (it is NULL...). You could also try getOrElse(...)
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