Reputation: 1151
I am trying to sort items in a 3 column list but it's not quite working. I have it set up to populate a "table". When I first run the program, it sorts the columns no problem. However, I have an option to select another data source and the same table is populated with new data (mostly the 3rd column changes). However, now when I sort the items, it sorts based on the original data and not the newly shown data. Any help?
My code (some parts removed as not necessary):
class EditADP(wx.Dialog):
def __init__(self, parent, title):
super(EditADP, self).__init__(parent=parent,
title=title, size=(450, 700))
#Sizer Info Here
# This is where user selects new data source
self.selectADP = wx.ComboBox(self,-1,tmp_default_ADP,choices=ADP_Options,style=wx.CB_READONLY)
self.selectADP = wx.ComboBox(self,-1,default_ADP,choices=ADP_Options,style=wx.CB_READONLY)
#More Sizers
self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnselectADP, self.selectADP)
tmp_ADPselection = default_ADP
global adpdata
adpdata = {}
for i in Master_PlayerID:
adpdata[i] = (Master_1[i],Master_2[i],Master_3[tmp_ADPselection][i],i)
self.ADPlist = EditableListCtrl_editADP(self,-1,style=wx.LC_REPORT)
items = adpdata.items()
index = 0
for key, data in items:
self.ADPlist.InsertStringItem(index, Master_List[data[3]])
self.ADPlist.SetStringItem(index, 1, data[1])
self.ADPlist.SetStringItem(index, 2, str(data[2]))
self.ADPlist.SetItemData(index, key)
index += 1
self.itemDataMap = adpdata
# More sizer and button stuff here
def OnselectADP(self, event):
tmp_ADPselection = ADP_Options[event.GetSelection()]
global adpdata
adpdata = {}
for i in Master_PlayerID:
adpdata[i] = (Master_1[i],Master_2[i],Master_3[tmp_ADPselection][i],i)
items = adpdata.items()
index = 0
for key, data in items:
self.ADPlist.InsertStringItem(index, Master_List[data[3]])
self.ADPlist.SetStringItem(index, 1, data[1])
self.ADPlist.SetStringItem(index, 2, str(data[2]))
self.ADPlist.SetItemData(index, key)
index += 1
self.itemDataMap = adpdata
class EditableListCtrl_editADP(wx.ListCtrl, listmix.TextEditMixin, listmix.ColumnSorterMixin):
def __init__(self, parent, ID=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style)
listmix.ColumnSorterMixin.__init__(self, len(adpdata))
self.itemDataMap = adpdata
def GetListCtrl(self):
return self
Again, the 3-column "table" updates the data appropriately so no problem there. The only issue is when I try to sort the columns, it always sorts it based on the original "adpdata" that was used to fill in the table.
Any ideas?
Here's two example dicts:
Selection_A = {1:[A, no, 1],2:[B,no,2],3:[C,yes,3],4:[D,yes,4],5:[E,no,5]}
Selection_B = {1:[A, no, 3],2:[B,no,5],3:[C,yes,1],4:[D,yes,2],5:[E,no,4]}
Selection_A is my default dictionary that I use. When I build the lists, I can easily sort correctly the three columns (say column 3 would show in order 1,2,3,4,5. However, when I switch to Selection_B, it still sorts based on Selection_A values (but the lists shows Selection_B values) -- for example it shows 3,5,1,2,4 for column 3 and A,B,C,D,E for column 1 sorted (should be 1,2,3,4,5 and C,D,A,E,B). I don't know if this helps? I can't show my original dicts because there is so much data.
ALSO, I did check -- my self.itemDataMap does update appropriately (I printed the results) -- the sorting just doesn't take place. I guess I'm not completely sure where the "sort" values are "stored/updated"?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4643
Reputation: 33071
I'm not entirely sure why that doesn't work, but I think it might have something to do with your resetting the self.itemDataMap variable. I wrote the following quick and dirty script and it works:
import wx
import wx.lib.mixins.listctrl as listmix
class SortableListCtrl(wx.ListCtrl, listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, size=(-1,100),
class MyForm(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, wx.ID_ANY, "List Control Tutorial")
# Add a panel so it looks the correct on all platforms
panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY)
self.index = 0
data = {1: ["Dr appointment", "05/06/2014", ""],
2: ["Meeting", "08/22/2013", "Board Room"]
self.list_ctrl = SortableListCtrl(panel)
self.list_ctrl.InsertColumn(0, 'Subject')
self.list_ctrl.InsertColumn(1, 'Due')
self.list_ctrl.InsertColumn(2, 'Location', width=125)
index = 0
for d in data:
print data[d][0]
print data[d][1]
self.list_ctrl.InsertStringItem(index, data[d][0]),
self.list_ctrl.SetStringItem(index, 1, data[d][1])
self.list_ctrl.SetStringItem(index, 2, data[d][2])
index += 1
btn = wx.Button(panel, label="Update")
btn.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.updateListCtrl)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
sizer.Add(self.list_ctrl, 1, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 5)
sizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.CENTER|wx.ALL, 5)
def updateListCtrl(self, event):
data = {1: ["Tennis", "09/06/2013", ""],
2: ["Lunch", "08/15/2013", "Chick-fil-a"]
index = 0
for d in data:
print data[d][0]
print data[d][1]
self.list_ctrl.InsertStringItem(index, data[d][0]),
self.list_ctrl.SetStringItem(index, 1, data[d][1])
self.list_ctrl.SetStringItem(index, 2, data[d][2])
index += 1
# Run the program
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = wx.App(False)
frame = MyForm()
Try commenting out the self.itemDataMap at the end of OnselectADP. If that doesn't work, then the next thing I would try is removing the global stuff.
Upvotes: 1