Reputation: 187
I am trying to run a query against a MongoDB and using pymongo to write out the results as individual xml files. I can get the query to work when I am only using sort and not adding any find criteria. What I want to do is be able to insert various find criteria and get the script to write out xml based off that. THE script works with this line:
def find_id_sort():
for post in db.video_md_fcsvr.find({}, ).sort("_id", ):
however if I try and add a find criteria like so;
def find_id_sort():
for post in db.video_md_fcsvr.find({}, {"streams.codec_name": "prores"}).sort("_id", ):
the result is this:
KeyError: 'format' function find_id_sort in at line 43 format_data = post['format']
full script is here:
import sys
import os
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
import pymongo
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson import Binary, Code
from bson.json_util import dumps
import io, json
from itertools import groupby
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
import datetime
connection = MongoClient("localhost:27017", slave_okay=True)
db = connection['video_ingest_db']
def find_id_sort():
for post in db.video_md_fcsvr.find({}, {"streams.codec_name": "prores"}).sort("_id", ): # find all entries (with filename - add: "({}, {'format.filename':1})" and sort using _id
# GRAB VALUES FROM FIELDS --------------------------------------------------
video_id_timestamp = post['_id'].generation_time # get the timestamp off the Object ID
video_id = post['_id'] # get the ObjectId
streams_data = post['streams']
format_data = post['format']
format_name = post['format']['format_name']
format_long_name = post['format']['format_long_name']
path_filename = post['format']['filename']
codec_name_0 = post['streams'][0]['codec_name']
codec_name_1 = post['streams'][1]['codec_name']
#codec_name_2 = post['streams'][2]['codec_name']
codec_type_0 = post['streams'][0]['codec_type']
codec_type_1 = post['streams'][1]['codec_type']
#codec_type_2 = post['streams'][2]['codec_type']
frame_rate = post['streams'][0]['avg_frame_rate']
video_height = post['streams'][0]['height']
video_width = post['streams'][0]['width']
#print "codec_name: %s" % streams_data_codec_name
print "format name: %s " % format_name
#print "Streams data: %s" % streams_data
print "format data: %s" % format_data
print "Video ID: %s" % video_id
print "Creation Time: %s" % video_id_timestamp
#print "Metadata: %s" % post
# CONVERT OUT TO STRING --------------------------------------------------
id_to_string = str(video_id) # convert the ObjectId to string
timestamp_to_string = str(video_id_timestamp)
filename_to_string = str(path_filename)
format_name_to_string = str(format_name)
format_long_name_to_string = str(format_long_name)
codec_name_0_to_str = str(codec_name_0)
codec_name_1_to_str = str(codec_name_1)
#codec_name_2_to_str = str(codec_name_2)
codec_type_0_to_str = str(codec_type_0)
codec_type_1_to_str = str(codec_type_1)
#codec_type_2_to_str = str(codec_type_2)
frame_rate_to_str = str(frame_rate)
video_height_to_str = str(video_height)
video_width_to_str = str(video_width)
metadata_file_name = "/Users/mathiesj/Desktop/metadata/" + id_to_string + ".xml" # create the path and filenaming convention of the metadata files
# WRITE VALUES TO XML FORMAT --------------------------------------------------
root = ET.Element("video_metadata")
metadata = ET.SubElement(root, "metadata")
#streams = ET.SubElement(root, "streams")
mongodb_id_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "mongodb_id")
mongodb_id_field.set("id", id_to_string)
mongodb_id_field.text = "some value1"
creation_time_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "creation_time")
creation_time_field.set("time_stamp", timestamp_to_string)
creation_time_field.text = "some value2"
filename_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "path_filename")
filename_field.set("path_filename", filename_to_string)
filename_field.text = "some value3"
video_format_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "video_format")
video_format_field.set("video_format_name", format_name_to_string)
video_format_field.set("video_format_long_name", format_long_name_to_string)
video_format_field.text = "some value4"
stream0_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "stream_0")
stream0_field.set("codec_type", codec_type_0_to_str)
stream0_field.set("codec_name", codec_name_0_to_str)
stream0_field.set("frame_rate", frame_rate_to_str)
stream0_field.set("video_height", video_height_to_str)
stream0_field.set("video_width", video_width_to_str)
stream0_field.text = "some value5"
stream1_field = ET.SubElement(metadata, "stream_1")
stream1_field.set("codec_type", codec_type_1_to_str)
stream1_field.set("codec_name", codec_name_1_to_str)
stream1_field.text = "some value6"
#stream2_field = ET.SubElement(technical_metadata, "stream 2")
#stream2_field.set("codec_type", codec_type_2_to_str)
#stream2_field.set("codec_name", codec_name_2_to_str)
#stream2_field.text = "some value4"
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 312
Reputation: 36784
Shouldn't your query be:
db.video_md_fcsvr.find({"streams.codec": "prores"}).sort( "_id", 1 ):
The first argument is the criteria, and the second is the projection, which selects which fields to return.
Upvotes: 2