Sepideh Abadpour
Sepideh Abadpour

Reputation: 2598

Set 24x24 and 32 bit images for dynamically created CMFCToolBarButtons

In order to add a toolbar to my MFC dialog baced class, I tried all ways of adding resources>toolbars but they didn't work. Finally I came up to the point to create a toolbar dynamically. This is the code that I have used:


#define IDB_PanTbrBtn                   139
#define IDB_NewTbrBtn                   140
#define IDB_ZoomInTbrBtn                141
#define IDB_ZoomOutTbrBtn               142
#define IDC_FirstToolBar                1011
#define IDC_NEWTBRBTN                   1012
#define IDC_ZOOMINTBRBTN                1013
#define IDC_ZOOMOUTTBRBTN               1014
#define IDC_PANTBRBTN                   1015

InitialJobProject2Dlg.h : header file for the dialog baced project

#pragma once
#include "WndResizer.h"
#include "afxdlgs.h"
#include "FilesWorkFlow.h"
#include "OpenGLControl.h"  
CWndResizer m_resizer;
CMFCToolBar m_FirstToolBar;
FilesWorkFlow *m_files;
COpenGLControl *m_oglWindow;  

InitialJobProject2Dlg.cpp : the codes related to the toolbar in the function OnInitDialog()

    bool bAnchored = false;
    bAnchored = m_resizer.Hook(this);

bool ToolbarCreated = m_FirstToolBar.CreateEx(this, AFX_DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_STYLE, 100 );

    bAnchored = m_resizer.SetAnchor(IDC_FirstToolBar,ANCHOR_LEFT | ANCHOR_TOP);

    m_FirstToolBar.SetPaneStyle(m_FirstToolBar.GetPaneStyle() & ~(CBRS_GRIPPER|CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC|CBRS_BORDER_ANY));

    int imageIndex = m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->GetCount();

    imageIndex = m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->GetCount();
    m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton( CMFCToolBarButton( IDC_PANTBRBTN,imageIndex));

    imageIndex = m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->GetCount();
    m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton( CMFCToolBarButton( IDC_ZOOMINTBRBTN,imageIndex));

    imageIndex = m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->GetCount();

    CSize size = m_FirstToolBar.CalcFixedLayout( FALSE, TRUE );
    m_FirstToolBar.SetWindowPos( NULL, 0, 0, + 10, + 10 , SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER );

this is my project's resource view:
enter image description here
and this one is the res folder of my program:
enter image description here
images that I want to be shown as the icons of toolbar buttons are 48x48 ,32 bit depth bitmap images but I had the same problem with 24x24 ones
The problem is when I run the program:
enter image description here
IT's clear that there is just one button as the toolbar button but I have inserted four buttons dynamically as you see in the code.
and the image is not shown even for this known button.
My code does not have any compiler or run-time error so I don't understand what is happening and whats the problem?
and since I'm new to MFC(this is my first program of MFC) I didn't know that adding a toolbar to a dialog-based application is such a hard task!!!! **
**So I created a dialog-based project at start and now that my program has been developed, I do need a toolbar

please help me. this is the forth question I have posted about adding a toolbar on a dialog based MFC application.
after writing the code to add a toolbar to a dialog-based mfc the dialog doesn't run
My toolbar on a dialog based mfc application is not shown
having trouble with LoadToolBarEx function of the CMFCToolBar class and set ID for the COpenGLControl class
But the problem has not been completely solved yet?
**Please introduce me a good reference that has taught adding toolbars to the MFC dialogs step by step from the scratch and has been useful for yourself

Oh and if there's a need to my project, it is downloadable here

as @Edward Clements suggested I changed the code to this but nothing changed.


    m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton( CMFCToolBarButton( IDC_PANTBRBTN,2));

    m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton( CMFCToolBarButton( IDC_ZOOMINTBRBTN,3));


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Views: 1704

Answers (1)

Edward Clements
Edward Clements

Reputation: 5142

Firstly, according to the MFC sources, LoadBitmap() [NOT LoadBitmapW(), that seems to happen because of VS Intellisense picking up a #define from WinUser.h] adds the bitmap to the image list, so calling m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->Load() will load the image twice.

Secondly, the InsertButton() should specify the index of the image of the button, m_FirstToolBar.GetImages()->GetCount() will always point to an invalid index value.


m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton(CMFCToolBarButton(IDC_NEWTBRBTN, 0));
m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton(CMFCToolBarButton(IDC_PANTBRBTN, 1));
m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton(CMFCToolBarButton(IDC_ZOOMINTBRBTN, 2));
m_FirstToolBar.InsertButton(CMFCToolBarButton(IDC_ZOOMOUTTBRBTN, 3));

Upvotes: 1

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