Reputation: 9064
I've tried using the following code but with no luck. Anybody know how to do this in iOS 6? I do not want to create a custom cell.
self.tableView.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0f;
[self.tableView setClipsToBounds:YES];
It appears that what's actually happening is that this code is creating a corner radius for the entire view, not each individual UITableViewSection. Does this make sense?
I have also tried [cell.layer setCornerRadius:3.0];
but also with no luck. The corners of my UITableView are still exactly the same.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 16076
Reputation: 2587
Add this to your .h file
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
And use below in your code,
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 189
instead of setting the corner radius of the cell, set the radius for the cell.contentview as follows:
cell.contentView.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0f;
cell.contentView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor;
cell.contentView.layer.borderWidth = 3.0f;
put the above code while initializing the cell.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 12641
who said [_tblView.layer setCornerRadius:10.0];
is not working in grouped style tableView.
Write this code and you will set setCornerRadius also works in grouped tableView.
[_tblView setBackgroundView:nil];
[_tblView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor greenColor]];
[_tblView.layer setCornerRadius:10.0];
[_tblView.layer setCornerRadius:10.0];
will not create corner radius for particular section of tableView this is for setting corner radius of whole tableView.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 106
I think PrettyKit is what you're looking for. Fully customisable and fast. give it a go. Should do the job properly.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3757
You can change de backgroundView of the TableViewCell, create a subclass of UIView and change the layer class:
@interface BackgroundView : UIView
@implementation BackgroundView
+ (Class)layerClass
return [CAShapeLayer class];
later in cellForRowAtIndexPath you do something like this:
static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"CustomCell";
CustomCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath];
CGRect frame = cell.backgroundView.frame;
cell.backgroundView = [[BackgroundView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
CGFloat corner = 20.0f;
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:cell.backgroundView.bounds byRoundingCorners:UIRectCornerAllCorners cornerRadii:CGSizeMake(corner, corner)];
CAShapeLayer *shapeLayer = (CAShapeLayer *)cell.backgroundView.layer;
shapeLayer.path = path.CGPath;
shapeLayer.fillColor = cell.textLabel.backgroundColor.CGColor;
shapeLayer.strokeColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor].CGColor;
shapeLayer.lineWidth = 1.0f;
return cell;
Results this:
You can modify the corners you want or create another path.
I hope it helps.
Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 83
You can do by this. Its working for me
UILabel *delLbl = [[UILabel alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 300, 44)];
delLbl.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial-BoldMT" size:18];
delLbl.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0f;
delLbl.layer.borderWidth = 1.0f;
delLbl.layer.borderColor = [UIColor grayColor].CGColor;
delLbl.text = @"Cell Text";
delLbl.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
[cell.contentView addSubview:delLbl];
cell.backgroundView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero];
Return Cell;
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 5081
First you Need to use the QuartzCode Framework Import that Framework ANd Declare .h File Which class you wanted to set the Layer Effect.
And Add that Method
[myTableView setClipsToBounds:YES];
and if you want to set corner radious to cell also tried this code
UITableViewCell.layer is kind of class CALayer and CALayer class have a property called cornerRadius. so you set the cell's corner radius as fallows:
[cell.layer setCornerRadius:3.0];
Try this code.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 723
I think you are missing this line of code :
[self.tableView.layer setMasksToBounds:YES];
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 59
add quartzcore framework to your project
import QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h to your .h file
self.tableView.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0f;
Upvotes: 2