
Reputation: 1191

Comparing type mapped values in Slick queries

Consider the Favorites table object below, we want to write a query to find Favorites by their type (defined below). We have also defined a Typemapper, to map a FavoriteType to a String for the database

import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
//Other imports have been omitted in this question

object Favorites extends Table[Favorite]("favorites") {

  // Convert the favoriteTypes to strings for the database
  implicit val favoriteMapping: TypeMapper[FavorietType] = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavorietType, String](
    favType => FavorietType.values.find(_ == favType).get.mapping,
    mapping => FavorietType.values.find(_.mapping == mapping).get

  def favoriteType = column[FavoriteType]("type")
  //other columns here

This is the query I want to write (however it does not compile)

  def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
      f <- Favorieten if  f.favoriteType === ftype
    ) yield f

Here I have defined de different FavoriteType objects (this is outside the Favorieten Object)

sealed case class FavorietType(mapping: String) {
  override def toString = mapping.capitalize
object FavoriteType {
  object Exam extends FavoriteType("examen")
  object Topic extends FavoriteType("onderwerp")
  object Paper extends FavoriteType("profielwerkstuk")

  val values = Seq(Exam , Topic , Paper )

The problem I have here is that the query does not compile: value === is not a member of scala.slick.lifted.Column[models.gebruiker.FavorietType]

It appears that === can not be used to compare a User-defined type, is this true? Is there an alternative way to do this?


Related issue: before I had my TypeMapper without explicit type, it was defined as implicit val favoriteMapping = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavorietType, String]( ...

When I would write a query that would compare a FavoriteType.Exam (for example) such as

  def queryByFavoriteExam()(implicit s: Session) = {
    for(f <- Favorieten if f.favorietType === FavorietType.Exam) yield f

This would result in the error could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type scala.slick.lifted.TypeMapper[models.gebruiker.FavorietType.Exam.type] The solution for this is the same as the one presented below

Upvotes: 4

Views: 5071

Answers (1)


Reputation: 35463

When in doubt with Slick, go check out the unit tests. After reading their docs on mapping in a custom type and then looking at their unit tests, I got your query code to compile by changing it to:

def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
  for(f <- Favorites if f.favoriteType === (ftype:FavoriteType)) yield f

Also, I had imported the H2Driver just to get things to compile (import scala.slick.driver.H2Driver.simple._). I was assuming that you also had imported whatever driver it is that you need for your db.


My full code example is as follows:

import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.session.Session

sealed case class FavoriteType(mapping: String) {
  override def toString = mapping.capitalize

case class Favorite(ft:FavoriteType, foo:String)
object FavoriteType {
  object Exam extends FavoriteType("examen")
  object Topic extends FavoriteType("onderwerp")
  object Paper extends FavoriteType("profielwerkstuk")

  val values = Seq(Exam , Topic , Paper )

object Favorites extends Table[Favorite]("favorites") {
  // Convert the favoriteTypes to strings for the database
  implicit val favoriteMapping = MappedTypeMapper.base[FavoriteType, String](
    {favType => FavoriteType.values.find(_ == favType).get.mapping},
    {mapping => FavoriteType.values.find(_.mapping == mapping).get}

  def favoriteType = column[FavoriteType]("type")
  def foo = column[String]("foo")

  def * = favoriteType ~ foo <> (Favorite.apply _, Favorite.unapply _)

  def queryByFavoriteType(ftype : FavoriteType)(implicit s: Session) = {
    for(f <- Favorites if f.favoriteType === (ftype:FavoriteType)) yield f

Upvotes: 9

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