Reputation: 433
How to call objective c function in callback function
Callback Function:
static OSStatus inputRenderCallback (
void *inRefCon,
AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp,
UInt32 inBusNumber,
UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData
) {
soundStructPtr soundStructPointerArray = (soundStructPtr) inRefCon;
UInt32 frameTotalForSound = soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].frameCount;
BOOL isStereo = soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].isStereo;
AudioUnitSampleType *dataInLeft;
AudioUnitSampleType *dataInRight;
dataInLeft = soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].audioDataLeft;
if (isStereo) dataInRight = soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].audioDataRight;
AudioUnitSampleType *outSamplesChannelLeft;
AudioUnitSampleType *outSamplesChannelRight;
outSamplesChannelLeft = (AudioUnitSampleType *) ioData->mBuffers[0].mData;
if (isStereo) outSamplesChannelRight = (AudioUnitSampleType *) ioData->mBuffers[1].mData;
UInt32 sampleNumber = soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].sampleNumber;
for (UInt32 frameNumber = 0; frameNumber < inNumberFrames; ++frameNumber) {
outSamplesChannelLeft[frameNumber] = dataInLeft[sampleNumber];
if (isStereo) outSamplesChannelRight[frameNumber] = dataInRight[sampleNumber];
if (sampleNumber >= frameTotalForSound){
sampleNumber = 0;
soundStructPointerArray[inBusNumber].sampleNumber = sampleNumber;
return noErr;
Objective c function:
- (void) stopAUGraph {
NSLog (@"Stopping audio processing graph");
Boolean isRunning = false;
OSStatus result = AUGraphIsRunning (processingGraph, &isRunning);
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphIsRunning" withStatus: result]; return;}
if (isRunning) {
result = AUGraphStop (processingGraph);
if (noErr != result) {[self printErrorMessage: @"AUGraphStop" withStatus: result]; return;}
self.playing = NO;
now in
if (sampleNumber >= frameTotalForSound){
sampleNumber = 0;
of callback function part how can i call stopAUGraph function
Upvotes: 0
Views: 604
Reputation: 16660
A. Objects have methods, no functions. Methods are not called, but messages are sent to a receiver, that executes the method.
B. Therefore you need a reference to the instance as the receiver of the message, that leads to the execution of the method. There are two ways to get it:
B.A. Typically a callback has a userInfo pointer, which can hold the reference directly or in a structure.
B.B. If you do not have such a info, you can ask a singleton for it or use a global var. This is worse.
C. After having such a receiver reference, you can use the usual message syntax in the C function, if it is compiled as Objective-C code (filename.m or setting in Xcode):
void function (void *userInfo)
id reference = userInfo; // Using ARC you have to clarify the ownership with castings.
[reference message];
You can use a function call, too, if you get the implementation pointer of the method or by using the rte, for example objc_msgSend(). Getting the implementation pointer is worse, because it turns off the polymorphic mechanism.
Upvotes: 2