Reputation: 25812
It is easy enough to write recursive inorder traversal in OCaml, but how to write iterative one? with for loop
or while
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3787
Here's another take on iterative in-order traversals:
type 'a node = {mutable data: 'a;
mutable left : 'a node option;
mutable right: 'a node option; }
let new_node data = {data; left = None; right = None;}
let insert tree new_data =
let module Wrapper = struct exception Stop_loop end in
let iter = ref tree in
while true do
if new_data < !
then match !iter.left with
| None ->
!iter.left <- Some (new_node new_data);
raise Wrapper.Stop_loop
| Some left_tree -> iter := left_tree
else if new_data > !
then match !iter.right with
| None ->
!iter.right <- Some (new_node new_data);
raise Wrapper.Stop_loop
| Some right_tree -> iter := right_tree
with Wrapper.Stop_loop -> ()
let in_order_traversal tree =
let module W = struct exception Stop_loop end in
let visited_stack = Stack.create () in
let iter_node = ref (Some tree) in
try while true do
(* Inner loop, we keep trying to go left *)
(try while true do
match !iter_node with
| None -> raise W.Stop_loop
| Some left ->
Stack.push left visited_stack;
iter_node := left.left
with W.Stop_loop -> ());
(* If we have no more to process in the stack, then we're
done *)
if Stack.length visited_stack = 0
then raise W.Stop_loop
(* Here we're forced to start moving rightward *)
let temp = Stack.pop visited_stack in
Printf.sprintf "%s " |> print_string;
iter_node := temp.right
with W.Stop_loop -> ()
let () =
let root = new_node "F" in
["B";"G";"A";"D";"I";"C";"E";"H"] |> List.iter (insert root);
in_order_traversal root;
print_newline ();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 771
Asking for someone to write something without recursive calls is stupid, but I'll still do it because it's an interesting exercise. Going from recursive to iterative is always the same process.
type tree = Leaf | Node of int * tree * tree
let rec in_order = function
| Leaf -> []
| Node(i,l,r) -> in_order l @ (i :: in_order r);;
Alright, now we have our recursive function. The first step is to transform it to tail recursive. This is actually the hardest step since it requires a real logical and algorithmic change.
We are going to add a new parameter to the function that is going to contain the result of the computation :
let rec ino res = function
| Leaf -> ()
| Node(i,l,r) ->
ino res r ;
res := i :: !res ;
ino res l
At the end, the result is !res.
Now that we have this, removing the recursive call is very easy, we just have to think about what does the compiler does when he has a recursive call. Well, it just does a while loop, after putting the parameters of the function and the next work to do in a stack. Let's just do it.
open Stack
type work = Value of int | NextNode of tree ref
let ino t : int list =
let res = ref [] in
let stack = Stack.create () in
push (NextNode (ref t)) stack;
while true do
let current = pop stack in
match current with
Value i -> res := i :: !res
| NextNode n ->
match !n with
Leaf -> ()
| Node(i,l,r) ->
push (NextNode (ref l)) stack;
push (Value i) stack;
push (NextNode (ref r)) stack
assert false
| Empty -> !res
Here we just remember the next thing to do. We know that when we reach a node we have to treat its right child, then the value of the node, then its left child, so we just put all this in the stack (in reverse order of course), and we keep going to the next element of the stack. When the stack is empty, we have visited the whole tree, and we can return.
I hope that this post manages to convince some people of the power of recursion over iterative programming. 3 lines Vs 26 lines. QED.
Upvotes: 4