Reputation: 652
I am developing using Delphi 6 on a WinXP system.
I have been using the following function to run a program with elevated rights.
function LB_RunAsAdminWait(hWnd: HWND;
filename: string;
Parameters: string): Boolean;
var sei: TShellExecuteInfo; // shell execute info
Result := False; // default to failure
FillChar(sei, SizeOf(sei), 0);
sei.cbSize := SizeOf(sei);
sei.Wnd := hWnd;
sei.lpVerb := 'runas';
sei.lpFile := PChar(filename);
sei.lpParameters := PChar(Parameters);
sei.nShow := SW_SHOWNORMAL;
if ShellExecuteEx(@sei) then // if success
Result := True; // return sucess
if sei.hProcess <> 0 then begin // wait for process to finish
while WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, 50) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do
end; // of function LB_RunAsAdminWait
How I call it:
if (LB_RunAsAdminWait(FPGM.Handle,'RegSvr32',FName+' /s') = False) then
ShowMessage('WARNING: unable to register OCX');
where FPGM.handle is the handle to my application and Fname is the OCX i want to register.
When I run it on a WIN7 machine it returns true(successful) but the OCX is not registered.
Any help would be appreciated.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 236
Reputation: 613542
Most likely explanation is that this is a 32 bit vs 64 bit issue. The DLL is 64 bit, and you are running the 32 bit regsvr32. Or vice versa. Or the file system redirector is confounding you. You put the DLL in system32, but the redirector turns that into SysWow64.
The obvious way to debug it is to remove the silent switch and let regsvr32 tell you what went wrong.
As an aside, as you have discovered, you cannot use the return value of ShellExecuteEx to determine whether or not the server registration succeeded. The return value of ShellExecuteEx merely tells you whether or not the process started.
Upvotes: 4