Reputation: 1773
I'm doing the packing problem from P08 from the 99 Problems, I think I'm doing this right but there's something wrong with the syntax of Scala that I think I don't know..
def pack(list: List[Char]): List[List[Char]] = {
def checkNext(a: List[List[Char]], prev: Char, l: List[Char] ): List[List[Char]] = {
if (!l.nonEmpty) a
else {
val res = if (prev==l.head) List(a.head:::List(l.head)) else a:::List(List(l.head))
checkNext(res, l.head, l.tail)
checkNext(List(List(list.head)), list.head, list.tail)
EDIT: sorry everyone, yes it compiles perfectly, but instead of doing what it is supposed to do, it merges everything and I cannot understand why. It should group nearby equal letters into lists of char, example:
pack(List('a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'a, 'a, 'd, 'e, 'e, 'e, 'e)) =>
List(List('a, 'a, 'a, 'a), List('b), List('c, 'c), List('a, 'a), List('d),
List('e, 'e, 'e, 'e))
Upvotes: 3
Views: 524
Reputation: 24802
You are adding characters to the wrong list : you want to append to a.last (the list you are currently working on), not a.head (which contains the list of the first equal characters you found).
def pack(list: List[Char]): List[List[Char]] = {
def checkNext(a: List[List[Char]], prev: Char, l: List[Char] ): List[List[Char]] = {
if (!l.nonEmpty) a
else {
val res = if (prev==l.head) a.init:+(a.last:+l.head) // a.last contains the list you are currently adding to,
// a.init's list are all completed
else a:+List(l.head) // start a new list of character
checkNext(res, l.head, l.tail)
checkNext(List(List(list.head)), list.head, list.tail)
Note that this code has horrible performance, as appending is O(n) (so you should pretty much always try to replace (at least when inside a loop) it with prepend (which is O(1))).
A better way to do this is to first reverse the input list and then prepend elements to the result list :
def pack(list: List[Char]): List[List[Char]] = {
def checkNext(a: List[List[Char]], prev: Char, l: List[Char]): List[List[Char]] = {
if (!l.nonEmpty) a
else {
val res = if (prev == l.head) ((l.head::a.head)::a.tail) else List(l.head)::a
checkNext(res, l.head, l.tail)
checkNext(List(List[Char](list.last)), list.last, list.init.reverse)
or the more idiomatic :
def pack(list: List[Char]) = {
def checkNext(a: List[List[Char]], prev: Char, l: List[Char]): List[List[Char]] = l match {
case Nil => a
case h::tail if h == prev => checkNext((h::a.head)::a.tail,h,tail)
case h::tail => checkNext(List(h)::a,h,tail)
checkNext(List(List[Char](list.last)), list.last, list.init.reverse)
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4053
When you found the character is repeating you're appending to a wrong list. My result of fiddling around:
object P08SO extends App {
// this method packs by adding to the beginning of the result and at the end it uses reverse
def pack1[A](inputList: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
def checkNext(result: List[List[A]], prev: A, input: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (input.isEmpty) result
if (input.head == prev) (input.head :: result.head) :: result.tail
else List(input.head) :: result,
input.head, input.tail)
if (inputList.isEmpty) Nil
else checkNext(List(List(inputList.head)), inputList.head, inputList.tail).reverse
// packs directly in right order
// but IMO there's a quite significant performance cost (last and init have to iterate through entire list)
def pack2[A](inputList: List[A]): List[List[A]] = {
def checkNext(result: List[List[A]], prev: A, input: List[A]): List[List[A]] =
if (input.isEmpty) result
if (input.head == prev) result.init ::: List(input.head :: result.last)
else result ::: List(List(input.head)),
input.head, input.tail)
if (inputList.isEmpty) Nil
else checkNext(List(List(inputList.head)), inputList.head, inputList.tail)
List[(String, List[Any])](
"empty" -> List(),
"one string" -> List("str"),
"ints" -> List(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6),
"chars" -> "abbbcdeeffff".toList
testVal => {
println(s"pack1 - ${testVal._1}: ${pack1(testVal._2)}")
println(s"pack2 - ${testVal._1}: ${pack2(testVal._2)}")
pack1 - empty: List()
pack2 - empty: List()
pack1 - one string: List(List(str))
pack2 - one string: List(List(str))
pack1 - ints: List(List(0, 0, 0), List(1, 1), List(2), List(3), List(4, 4, 4, 4), List(5), List(6))
pack2 - ints: List(List(0, 0, 0), List(1, 1), List(2), List(3), List(4, 4, 4, 4), List(5), List(6))
pack1 - chars: List(List(a), List(b, b, b), List(c), List(d), List(e, e), List(f, f, f, f))
pack2 - chars: List(List(a), List(b, b, b), List(c), List(d), List(e, e), List(f, f, f, f))
Upvotes: 1