Reputation: 547
I'm answering my own questions - just putting this up here for google-fu in case it helps someone else. This code allows you to validate the presence of one field in a list. See comments in code for usage. Just paste this into lib/custom_validations.rb and add require 'custom_validations' to your environment.rb
#good post on how to do stuff like this
module ActiveRecord
module Validations
module ClassMethods
# Use to check for this, that or those was entered... example:
# :validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field :last_name, :company_name - would require either last_name or company_name to be filled in
# also works with arrays
# :validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field :email, [:name, :address, :city, :state] - would require email or a mailing type address
def validates_presence_of_at_least_one_field(*attr_names)
msg = attr_names.collect {|a| a.is_a?(Array) ? " ( #{a.join(", ")} ) " : a.to_s}.join(", ") +
"can't all be blank. At least one field (set) must be filled in."
configuration = {
:on => :save,
:message => msg }
send(validation_method(configuration[:on]), configuration) do |record|
found = false
attr_names.each do |a|
a = [a] unless a.is_a?(Array)
found = true
a.each do |attr|
value = record.respond_to?(attr.to_s) ? record.send(attr.to_s) : record[attr.to_s]
found = !value.blank?
break if found
record.errors.add_to_base(configuration[:message]) unless found
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4601
Reputation: 4230
This works for me in Rails 3, although I'm only validating whether one or the other field is present:
validates :last_name, :presence => {unless => { |a| a.company_name.present? }, :message => "You must enter a last name, company name, or both"}
That will only validate presence of last_name if company name is blank. You only need the one because both will be blank in the error condition, so to have a validator on company_name as well is redundant. The only annoying thing is that it spits out the column name before the message, and I used the answer from this question regarding Humanized Attributes to get around it (just setting the last_name humanized attribute to ""
Upvotes: 14