Reputation: 105
I want to combine audio and video as video file in MATLAB. I have wrote following code: But it gives me error !?! can anyone guide me ?
[filename pathname]=uigetfile({'*.*'},'Video Selector');
videoFReader = vision.VideoFileReader(fulpathname);
[AUDIO,Fs] = audioread(fulpathname);
videoFWriter = vision.VideoFileWriter('myFile.avi','FrameRate',;
for i=1:50
videoFrame = step(videoFReader);
step(videoFWriter, videoFrame,AUDIO);
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Views: 7873
Reputation: 21
Example for writing both audio and video
% It is assumed that audio is stored in "data" variable
% Idea is simple: Just divide length of the audio sample by the number of frames to be written in the video frames. ( it is equivalent to saying that what audio you % want to have with that particular frame)
% First make AudioInputPort property true (by default this is false)
writerObj = vision.VideoFileWriter('Guitar.avi','AudioInputPort',true);
% total number of frames
nFrames = 250;
% assign FrameRate (by default it is 30)
writerObj.FrameRate = 20;
% length of the audio to be put per frame
val = size(data,1)/nFrames;
% Read one frame at a time
for k = sf : nFrames
% reading frames from a directory
% adding the audio variable in the step function
step(writerObj,Frame,data(val*(k-1)+1:val*k,:)); % it is 2 channel that is why I have put (:)
% release the video
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Reputation: 9
As Navan answered you have to add in the AudioInputPort to ture first. Your videoFrame has to be a structure of Frames. The audio must also be a structure of the same length as the Number of Video frames. Your audio sampling rate will be obviously more than the number of frames. For this i suggest you to divide the number of audio samples by the frame rate and round off the value. These steps works for me.
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If you want to write both audio and video using vision.VideoFileWriter you should set AudioInputPort option to true. This is by default false and the object expects only video data input. If you set to true, then you can send both video and audio as inputs to step method.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 11
use 'videoFReader.SampleRate' instead of "" the error will be removed
Upvotes: 1