Reputation: 1
Which decoders are safe to extend in use with a Non Blocking Datagram Channel? Essentially, I need to go from *ByteBuff to String, which I then have code that will turn that string into an object. Also, this would need to be accomplished with a decoder. From object to string and finally back to a *ByteBuff.
I have tried extending ByteToMessageDecoder, but it seems that Netty never invokes the decode method. So I am not sure if this is mainly a problem with the Datagram Channel or a problem with my principle understanding of decoders...
Just in case here is some of my code
public class Initializer extends ChannelInitializer<NioDatagramChannel> {
private SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet> sipHandler;
public Initializer(SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet> handler) {
sipHandler = handler;
protected void initChannel(NioDatagramChannel chan) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipe = chan.pipeline();
pipe.addLast("decoder", new SipDecoder());
pipe.addLast("handler", sipHandler);
pipe.addLast("encoder", new SipEncoder());
Beginning of my Decoder:
public class SipDecoder extends ByteToMessageDecoder {
private Packet sip;
protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext context, ByteBuf byteBuf, List<Object> objects) throws Exception {
System.out.println("got hit...");
String data = new String(byteBuf.array());
sip = new Packet();
// [...]
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Views: 2097
Reputation: 23567
To handle DatagramPacket's you need to use MessageToMessageDecoder as ByteToMessageDecoder only works for ByteBuf.
Upvotes: 2