
Reputation: 2777

Overriding java superclass method in Clojure

I'm doing some JavaFX stuff, following the TableView example. In the original java the author @Overrides several of the TableCell class methods which he's deriving directly from, but also @Overrides the updateItem method which is 2 levels up in the class hierarchy and belongs to the Cell class.

Is there any way to do this easily in Clojure? Currently I'm just doing proxy but I'm okay using :gen-class if necessary. I thought I read somewhere you can only override the immediate base class in Clojure.

(defn make-editing-cell []
  (let [textField (atom nil)]
    (proxy [TableCell] []
      (startEdit []
        (proxy-super startEdit)
        (println "start editing"))

      (cancelEdit []
        (proxy-super cancelEdit)
        (println "cancel editing"))

      (updateItem [item empty]
        ;(proxy-super updateItem  ) ;; This causes runtime error No Matching Field Found
        (if empty
          (do (println "empty!")
              (doto this
                (.setText nil)
                (.setGraphic nil)))
          (do (println "not empty!")
              (if (.isEditing this)
                (do (println "editing")
                    (if (not @textField)
                      (.setText @textField (.toString (.getItem this))))
                    (doto this
                      (.setGraphic @textField)
                      (.setContentDisplay ContentDisplay/GRAPHIC_ONLY)))
                (do (println "not editing")
                    (println this)
                    (println (.getItem this))
                      (doto this
                        (.setText (.toString (.getItem this)))
                        (.setContentDisplay ContentDisplay/GRAPHIC_ONLY)))))))
        (println "updating item" item empty)))))

Upvotes: 2

Views: 426

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2777

I needed to pass the arguments item and empty to the proxy-super call... so (proxy-super updateItem item empty)

Upvotes: 1

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