

Akka not loading application.conf

I'm pretty new to Akka and I'm having trouble getting the application.conf file to load. I've defined a relatively simple conf file, consisting of:

akka {
  logLevel = "NONE"
  stdout-logLevel = "NONE"

From what I understand, this should be picked up automatically (having put it in the src/main/resources directory). However, when I load the default logger and output "INFO" (doing greet) messages, I am still seeing them in the console (see following code).

import{ActorRef, Actor, Props}
import akka.event.Logging

object HelloWorldActor {
  case object Tick

class HelloWorldActor extends Actor {
  val logger = Logging(context.system, this)
  var greeter : Option[ActorRef] = None

  override def preStart() = {
    greeter = Some(context.actorOf(Props[Greeter], "greeter"))

  def doGreet(): Unit = {"doing greet")
    greeter match {
      case Some(g) => g ! Greeter.Greet
  def receive: Actor.Receive = {
    case HelloWorldActor.Tick => this.doGreet()

The only thing I can think of is that I have defined a kernel to run it in stand-alone mode and I'm not sure if there is something extra that I should be doing there to load the configuration.

I've put my project up on GitHub for better inspection of what I am doing:

Any help is greatly appreciated since I'm currently an Akka newbie. Also, I should mention that I have read through the config documentation online, but it didn't help me in this particular case.


Upvotes: 6

Views: 7779

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1342

Try putting your file into src/main/resources/ - application.conf is not a scala file, so it doesn't belong in src/main/scala/resources which is the folder for the package root.resources scala sources.

OK. I see what is the problem now. I don't think there's a loglevel setting NONE.

According to the doc there are four settings:

loglevel = "DEBUG"

Try setting it to WARNING.

Also, you have typo in loglevel - please note it's not a camelCase name, but all-lower loglevel.

Side note - add akka microkernel plugin to your SBT build and add runner that can be launched either with run or re-start action.

Upvotes: 13

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