Reputation: 1270
I have a rails project and am running tests for my JavaScript test (Jasmine) through Karma
.travis.yml file
language: ruby
- 2.0.0
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake --trace db:migrate test
- karma start --single-run --browsers PhantomJS test/karma/config/unit.js
Travis fails saying it does not find karma. is there a way to define node_js as another language and install karma on the build VM?
Upvotes: 45
Views: 9678
Reputation: 397
When the language
key in .travis.yml
is set to node
, Travis will run nvm install 0.12
at the beginning of the build. Similarly, for a Ruby project, Travis will run rvm use 2.2.2 --install --binary --fuzzy
at the beginning of the build.
I've had success running both commands in a Bash build
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 886
K-Yo's answer got me moving in the right direction, but far short of success. Here is what I needed:
First in my .travis.yml:
language: ruby
- 2.1.1
- psql -c 'create database spokenvote_test;' -U postgres
- cp config/database.travis.yml config/database.yml
- rake db:test_prep
- npm install karma
- npm install karma-jasmine
- npm install karma-coverage
- npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher
- npm install karma-coffee-preprocessor
- bundle exec rspec spec # basic for ruby
- node_modules/karma/bin/karma start config/karma.conf.js --single-run --browsers PhantomJS
Then I also placed this code in my package.json, though I'm not sure if it was needed:
"devDependencies": {
"karma": "~0.12",
"karma-jasmine": "~0.2",
"karma-coverage": "~0.2.6",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "~0.1.4",
"karma-coffee-preprocessor": "~0.2.1"
Finally, I learned that Travis is case sensitive, so:
in my karma.conf.js needed to be:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 1270
It is not possible yet to have several languages on travis configuration file.
On the other hand, all environments run node.js. The following script does the trick:
language: ruby
- 2.0.0
- npm install karma
- RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake --trace db:migrate test
- karma start --single-run --browsers PhantomJS test/karma/config/unit.js
Help found on an old thread in a google group
Upvotes: 52