
Reputation: 627

What's the industry standard way to pass SASS variable to javascript?

I have looked around and I've seen one solution where in your html, you'd have a tag dedicated to pass sass variables to javascript. I'm talking about the second answer from

Is there a way to import variables from javascript to sass or vice versa?

I also tried using html

<div class="selector"></div>

with css

.selector { content: "stuff"; }

but looking at the dom in the developer tools, it doesn't get added even though we can see it on the rendered page, so I cannot pick it up with javascript


How does everyone do it?

Upvotes: 15

Views: 7443

Answers (4)


Reputation: 130441

If you are using GULP or GRUNT (I hope you are using the first one)

This example shows how to do it using gulp:

Define the colors in the gulpfile, or in another file and then import it to your gulpfile, and then you can dynamically build both the SCSS variables and the javascript like so:

variables_template.scss (not to be imported in your main scss file)

$colors : ([COLORS])

app.js (some js file which holds the colors variable)

var appColors = {[COLORS]};


var gulp    = require('gulp'),
    gutil   = require('gulp-util'),
    replace = require('gulp-replace');

var appColors = {
   "red"   : "#d63737",
   "green" : "#69c962"

gulp.task('scssVars', ()=>{
    var colorsString = JSON.stringify(appColors);
    colorsString  = colorsString.slice(2,colorsString.length - 2);

    return gulp.src('css/variables_template.scss')
        .pipe(replace(/[COLORS]/g, colorsString ))

// do more of less the same for your app.js, only without renaming, if possible

Similar NPM gulp packages for SCSS variables:

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 38730

Sharing state trough CSS content property seems dirty. I don't like the idea of making extra XHR requests either.

I've thought of building a custom solution that would just compile SASS file and JS module. But it turned out there's an npm package called rosetta. It does exactly that. Formats of output are pretty flexible and it didn't take me long to set it up as a Grunt.js task.

$ npm install rosetta

Here's example Gruntfile.js:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // Project configuration.
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
      watch: {
          css: {
              files: ['sass/*.scss', 'sass/lib/*.scss', 'rosetta/*.rose'],
              tasks: ['rosetta', 'compass']
      compass: {
          dist: {
              options: {
                  sassDir: 'sass',
                  cssDir: '../static/css',
                  imagesDir: '../static/img',
                  javascriptsDir: '../static/js'
      rosetta: {
          default: {
             src: ['rosetta/*.rose'],
             options: {
                 jsFormat: 'requirejs',
                 cssFormat: 'scss',
                 jsOut: '../static/js/lib/rosetta.js',
                 cssOut: 'sass/_shared_variables.scss'

  grunt.registerTask('default', ['watch']);


And package.json:

  "name": "",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "Gruntfile.js",
  "dependencies": {
    "grunt": "^0.4.5",
    "grunt-cli": "^0.1.13",
    "grunt-contrib-compass": "^0.9.1",
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "^0.6.1",
    "rosetta": "git+"
  "devDependencies": {},
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC"

After all that you just need to import _shared_variables.scss in SASS and use rosetta.js module in your JavaScript to access common variables. As you make changes to the *.rose files your styles and JS will be updated.

Upvotes: 2

I believe that injecting SASS variables via CSS content property is a very hackish way to do things.

Instead, you can store the variables in a separate location and have them read both by SASS and JS.

First, store a list of breakpoints in a breakpoints.json file:

["0", "300px", "500px", "700px", "900px", "1100px"]

Then use Ruby to read this JSON file and make its contents available as a SASS list via a SASS function. Put this into your Compass config.rb:

sass_options = { :custom => {'breakpoint_file' => 'breakpoints.json'} }

# This creates a SASS function debug() that returns $debug into SASS
module Sass::Script::Functions
  def breakpoints

    # Reading an array of breakpoints into a file
    unless breakpoints_array_raw = JSON.load( options[:custom]['breakpoint_file'] ))
      raise"Error: Breakpoints file '#{options[:custom]['breakpoint_file']}' does not exist.")

    # Converting strings in the array to SASS String literals
    breakpoints_array_sassy = { |s| }

    # Returning the list into SASS breakpoints_array_sassy, :space )

In your SASS code, read breakpoints like this:

$breakpoints: breakpoints()

In JS, use jQuery's .get method to request the JSON file like this:

  breakpoints = [],
  requestBreakpoints = $.get('breakpoints.json');

requestBreakpoints.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR){
    breakpoints = response; // You might want to remove "px" here

When i was assembling this setup, I found an existing solution here, but i decided to reimplement it using my favorite SASS tools: Singularity and Breakpoint Slicer.

For your convenience, i've built a proof-of-concept GitHub project with everything set up nicely, featuring some ugly JS code. :)

And here's a live demo!

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 17743

Not sure about "industry standard", but it's a very handy technique and not too difficult. The content of pseudo elements is not available via text() though, you have to use getComputedStyle.

Example using body:after:

Sass (using the compass breakpoint extension):

body:after {
  display: none;

  @include breakpoint($bp-wide) {
    content: "wide";

  @include breakpoint($bp-medium) {
    content: "medium";

  @include breakpoint($bp-small) {
    content: "small";


if (window.getComputedStyle) {
  var mq = window.getComputedStyle(document.body,':after').getPropertyValue('content');

if (mq.indexOf('small') !== -1) {
  // do something

Credit: I first saw this technique here:

Upvotes: 10

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