I want to place a combobox inside one column of a Xtragrid. I can bind the combobox to array values but how do you bind the combobox to the column?
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This is a simple example of how to add a ComboBox to GridColumn.
Dim xSunday As New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemComboBox
Me.GridView1.Columns("Sunday").ColumnEdit = xSunday
xSunday.TextEditStyle = DevExpress.XtraEditors.Controls.TextEditStyles.DisableTextEditor
Upvotes: 4
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In the ColumnEdit property of the column, add a (new) ComboBoxEdit. If you always want it visible, set the ShowButtonMode on the column to always.
This will create a repositoryItemComboBox1 object (that's default name) that you can add items to if you so choose to display in the dropdown list. i.e. repositoryItemComboBox1.Items.add("My Text");
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 572
Use the ColumnEdit property of the column to asign a lookupedit control (new). The lookupedit control is the combo box you need.
Upvotes: 9
You can use ColumnEdit and put the proper repository. Then you can do the bindings to that repository.
Upvotes: 2