Elle Absolute
Elle Absolute

Reputation: 1781

How to disable Google Chrome auto update?

Does anyone know how to disable Google Chrome for being automatic update itself, it cause my web application always change?

I have tried using the Google Update ADM templates provided on this page or as described in this wikiHow article:

Set the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update\AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes to the REG_DWORD value of "0".

but there is no Google in my Registry Editor, so I can't set it.

Upvotes: 168

Views: 738922

Answers (30)

Jay Shepherd
Jay Shepherd

Reputation: 2046

We had a problem printing with v49something.

I blocked tools.google.com on localhost temporarily so that I could install previous version and prevent updating to the version that is breaking the label printing.

So, in /etc/hosts I added: tools.google.com

Not a perfect solution, but was perfect for us.

Upvotes: 37


Reputation: 2259

Have spent a long time trying to disable updates (literally hours, reading forums and testing various (some exotic) solutions), and this was driving me crazy. But there what seems an infallible solution (see further down).

Even using the official Google page with the templates did NOTHING: https://support.google.com/installer/answer/146164?hl=en

I followed scrupulously the instructions of that page, the keys in the registry are all correct, but still going to the "About Google Chrome" when the program is opened, I can see the wheel going around and a few seconds later the update is forced and done.

I have tried using the standalone installer of Google, on a Windows 8.1 machine 64Bits - and yes all the keys are set to :

Dword: AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes Value: 0
Dword: DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue Value: 1
Dword: UpdateDefault Value: 0
Dword: Update{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} Value: 0
(this last one requires the service(s) to not be disabled - gupdate/gupdatem)

... both in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update AND HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Google\Update since it is a 64-bit machine.

So the radical solution to prevent the auto-update, if that helps anyone, is to just purely sort the program responsible for the updates itself! (Just deleting it, OR saving a copy, OR renaming it OR even better just in case I one day need to do an update: Zip the content for future potential re-use).

Easy solution :
1- Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\ and find the folder "update".
2- There are a couple of options to choose from:

 A) first method: Rename the folder:
  • Right click > Rename > from Update.bak to Update2.bak for example.

  • Now launch Chrome: NO MORE UPDATES!! since it can not find the update program !! Finished.

    B) second method: Zip the folder:

  • Zip the entire folder by making an archive. (Right click the "Update" folder > Send to Compressed (zip) folder)

  • A window might ask you to backup/zip and place it on the desktop, click yes. (message: Windows cannot create the compressed folders here. Do you want to be placed on the desktop instead?)

  • Move the newly created zip file to the original location. New window security might pop up > click continue. (message: You need administrator permission to copy this file). [This will be what to unzip if one day you decide to update Chrome - Just remember that when unzipped it will have the following structure: Update > Update > then all the content of the folder. Remember to move everything from inside the second update folder (copy paste) one level up so that is becoming: Update > then all the content of the folder].

  • Now that you have a copy just delete the "Update" folder.

  • Now launch Chrome: NO MORE UPDATES!! since it can not find the update program !! Finished.

Upvotes: 214


Reputation: 3181

Unfortunately, even removing the update folder doesn't fully stop auto updates. But you can download Chromium browser instead of Google Chrome. It's essentially the same browser but it doesn't have the Google branding and there are no auto updates.

Upvotes: 0

Rony Nguyen
Rony Nguyen

Reputation: 1144

many unstable solutions I prefer to edit the host file

/etc/hosts dl.google.com tools.google.com

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 3703

For Windows users, you may follow the steps in Google Chrome Enterprise Help - Manage Chrome updates (Windows).

Just follow step 1: Install Google Update > Get the Google Update policy template & step 2: Configure auto-updates > Turn off Chrome Browser auto-updates.

If everything is configured correctly, you will see "Updates are disabled by your administrator." in Google Chrome settings About Chrome section after you reboot the pc. configured successful screenshot

Upvotes: 2

Dharmesh Mansata
Dharmesh Mansata

Reputation: 4738

If you are using Mac OS. Keep the version that you need and then following step help you stop updating chrome permanently.

To Disable auto update:-

Empty these directories:


Then change the permissions on these folders named 'GoogleSoftwareUpdate' so that there's no owner and no read/write/execute permissions. In terminal:

cd /Library/Google/
sudo chown nobody:nogroup GoogleSoftwareUpdate
sudo chmod 000 GoogleSoftwareUpdate

cd ~/Library/Google/
sudo chown nobody:nogroup GoogleSoftwareUpdate
sudo chmod 000 GoogleSoftwareUpdate                                                                        

Then do the same for the folder Google one level up.

cd /Library/
sudo chown nobody:nogroup Google
sudo chmod 000 Google
cd ~/Library/                                                                                                                    
sudo chown nobody:nogroup Google
sudo chmod 000 Google

Hope this help!

Upvotes: 5

Jangya satapathy
Jangya satapathy

Reputation: 906

After wrestling a lot, found an uncomplicated solution for Mac. Hope this will help.

  1. Leave it to upgrade.

  2. Then go to application, right click on chrome app and open package contents.

  3. Navigate further as /Applications/Google Chrome old.app/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions

  4. You will find a current folder. Delete this :)

  5. Restart chrome and enjoy..

Upvotes: 0

Arun Prasad E S
Arun Prasad E S

Reputation: 10135

simple and working

goto C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\update

rename update folder name

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 339

The simplest method on Windows 10 with recent versions of Chrome as of early 2020. No registry hack, Powershell or GPO required :

  1. Open the Computer Management app with elevated rights: type it in the taskbar search, then click Run as administrator on the menu
  2. Go to Service and Applications -> Services
  3. Find Google Update Service (gupdate) and Google Update Service (gupdatem)
  4. For both services, right-click, select Properties and set Startup type: to Disabled.

Tested and working on Google Chrome v 80, Win 10 / 1909 / 18363.592, as of March 2020.

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 7941

On Windows OS:

1) open following file for edit (as an admin): C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (this file has no extension)

2) on the bottom, add one line: tools.google.com

3) save the file

4) enjoy old Chrome

Upvotes: 2

Bitcoin Murderous Maniac
Bitcoin Murderous Maniac

Reputation: 1478

Disable Chrome Version Auto Update - All-in-One Solution

With some of the answers here for disabling Google Chrome automatic updates, I've come up with a solution that uses specific group policy settings and also a PowerShell startup script to rename the GoogleUpdate.exe, disable the correlated services, and disable the correlated Task Scheduler tasks.

I'm posting as an answer in case someone else needs an all-in-one solution that can easily be expanded on (or toned down some) if needed and potentially save them some time.

PowerShell (Startup Script)

## -- Rename the Google Update executable file
$Chrome = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe";
If(Test-Path($Chrome)){Rename-Item -Path $Chrome -NewName "Old_GoogleUpdate.exe.old" -Force};

$Chrome = "$env:ProgramFiles\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe";
If(Test-Path($Chrome)){Rename-Item -Path $Chrome -NewName "Old_GoogleUpdate.exe.old" -Force};

## -- Stop and disable the Google Update services that run to update Chrome
$GUpdateServices = (Get-Service | ?{$_.DisplayName -match "Google Update Service"}).Name;
$GUpdateServices | % {
    $status = (Get-Service -Name $_).Status;
    If($status -ne "Stopped"){Stop-Service $_ -Force};
    $sType  = (Get-Service -Name $_).StartType;
    If($sType -ne "Disabled"){Set-Service $_ -StartupType Disabled};

## -- Disable Chrome Update Scheduled Tasks
$GUdateTasks = (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath "\" -TaskName "*GoogleUpdateTask*");
$GUdateTasks | % {If($_.State -ne "Disabled"){Disable-ScheduledTask -TaskName $_.TaskName}};

Group Policy Settings (Computer Configuration)

Be sure the Software Restriction policy blocks EXE file types at a minimum for these specific folder locations but the defaults should work fine if you leave as-is.

enter image description here

Additional Resources

Upvotes: 4

MD Ashik
MD Ashik

Reputation: 9835

New Answer by 12-9-2018

I am facing same problem when I am try to use GooleChrome V-68 it tryto update V-71. Then I get solution by change the name of file GoogleUpdate.exe

For Windows 10 file path:_ C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update

Just rename the the file name of GoogleUpdate.exe to any name.

Check my screenshot for more understand.

enter image description here

Now it show Error when try to get update version install :P enter image description here

Upvotes: 21

Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari

Reputation: 4463

Worked for Windows Server 2008 and Chrome v64:

  • Rename "Update" directory to "Update2"
  • Create blank file called "Update" (without extension)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 5806

For Ubuntu:

  1. go to 'Software & Updates'.
  2. click 'Other Software' tab.
  3. Uncheck the next checkbox 'http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main'

enter image description here

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 621

For latest versions, use following steps:

  1. Go to "msconfig" from Win+R
  2. Go to Service tab
  3. Uncheck both "Google Update Service" boxes.
  4. Click OK and Restart computer to save changes.

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 17612


Delete the folder C:\Program Files\Google\Update

Here is what I do to stop auto update of chrome. Since you want to disable auto update, you may be installing chrome using the offline installer. If not, then I recommend that you use that; it makes more sense for you anyway! Select the second option that says "Alternate installer for all user accounts", but you may also choose the other option. Anyway, this process should work for all kinds of installation of chrome.

  1. Install chrome and go to about page with the internet connected. This is to trigger the update process.

  2. Open task manager, go to Processes tab and look for the process named something like google updater. You may need to click on 'Show processes from all users' button if your uac is turned on

  3. Right-click on google updater process name and select open file location. Once location is opened in the explorer, end the process

  4. Delete the file corresponding to that ended process (by now it is located and selected in the explorer, as was done in step 3; for most this is C:\Program Files\Google\Update, but will be different if you had chosen to install for a single user)

  5. open Scheduled tasks (by typing sched... in start perhaps)

  6. Click on 'Task Scheduler Library` on the left and on the right side search for entries corresponding to google product updates. Disable or delete those tasks

You should be good to go! Auto update is not only disabled but killed forever.

P.S.: step 5 and 6 are simply for overkilling :-)

Upvotes: 4

Baz Guvenkaya
Baz Guvenkaya

Reputation: 1562

In addition to the most upvoted answer, it might be good to remove these as well for the sake of cleanness.

enter image description here

Upvotes: 3

Pratik Patil
Pratik Patil

Reputation: 3753

To Disable Google Chrome Auto Updates in Windows:

  • Goto "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google"

  • Rename the directory "Update" to "Update2". Directory delete or rename may not be possible due to the running processes with respect to the corresponding executables in the directory. In that use the Unlocker tool to forcefully delete or rename the directory.

  • Restart Chrome and Go to Help -> About Google Chrome. Here we can see the message as "update check failed"

That's it !!

Upvotes: 0

Laszlo Pinter
Laszlo Pinter

Reputation: 495

We automate the Chrome install and disable the auto update with Chef. When Chef tried to rename the entire Update directory, it failed with the "Access denied" error. Because Chef cannot click Yes when a security prompt comes up, the renaming of the entire Update directory does not work for us. We rename only the updater executable with

rename GoogleUpdate.exe GoogleUpdate_disabled.tmp

The entire Chef resource is

batch 'disable_chrome_update' do
  code <<-EOF
    cd "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Update"
    rename GoogleUpdate.exe GoogleUpdate_disabled.tmp
  only_if {File.exists?("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Update\\GoogleUpdate.exe")}

Upvotes: 7

Colin Wang
Colin Wang

Reputation: 6978

This is just a trick to stop auto update of Google Chrome in Mac OS.

  1. Go to Applications Folder in Finder.
  2. Right click Google Chrome and select Show Package Contents.
  3. Go to Contents directory.
  4. Open Info.plist file with XCode or other text editor.
  5. Change the value of the key: KSUpdateURL to an invalid URL. something like https://tools.google.com/service/invalidurl
  6. Overwrite Info.plist file.
  7. Restart Google Chrome.

Finally go to Google Chrome Settings / About. You will see Update always fails because the update url was set to an invalid one.

Update Always Fails

Upvotes: 55

Andrew Prock
Andrew Prock

Reputation: 7127

For Mac OS, you'll have to remove permissions, but leave the directory

$ sudo chown root:wheel GoogleSoftwareUpdate
$ sudo chmod = GoogleSoftwareUpdate

Upvotes: 1

Antony Hatchkins
Antony Hatchkins

Reputation: 34014

Sort of "official method" is listed here: http://www.wikihow.com/Completely-Disable-Google-Chrome-Update

In a nutshell:

1) download http://www.wikihow.com/Completely-Disable-Google-Chrome-Update

2) install it using gpedit.msc (click on Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates, then select 'Add/Remove Templates...' in 'Action' menu)

3) disable Chrome update in
Computer Configuration
  Administrative Templates
    Classic Administrative Templates
        Google Update
            Google Chrome
by setting 'Update Policy Override' to 'Disabled'

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 5460

On a Mac, you can change the update frequency to a very large value. See:

For myself, I ran the following command in Terminal:

defaults write com.google.Keystone.Agent checkInterval 18000000

Upvotes: -3


Reputation: 1437

For Windows only

To completely disable automatic Chrome updates create/edit the following registry keys/dwords under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update:

  • Dword: AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes Value: 0
  • Dword: DisableAutoUpdateChecksCheckboxValue Value: 1
  • Dword: UpdateDefault Value: 0
  • Dword: Update{8A69D345-D564-463C-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} Value: 0

This last one was the money for me. Until I added it updates were enabled in chrome://chrome.

Note: On 64-bit machines running 32-bit Chrome you may need to put the dwords under the following key instead: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Policies\Google\Update.

I created a GitHub gist powershell script to create the dwords under both Policies and Wow6432Node\Policies.

Upvotes: 23



I use Commodo Firewall HIPS feature to stop googleupdate.exe even executing. I have set no rules for gooleupdate.exe internet access but if somehow it does get to execute I will get a popup asking if I want to grant it internet access.

Currently trying to bring myself to move away from chrome and as many google products as possible after realising the effort they have gone to, to thwart the tiny minority of people who actually regedited the old auto update and their desire to have more control over your machines than you do.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 1210

Simple hacky way is to rename Updates folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google. Done it to freeze my chrome at 44 untill proper NPAPI replacement is supported by majority of plugins.

Upvotes: 3



To get rid of Chrome 44 and go back to 43 I downloaded a stand-alone version of chrome 43 which is an .exe file and I just double clicked on it and it was installed on my computer WITHOUT updating to Chrome 44, to find the link to Chrome 43 have a look to the bottom of this page Google Chrome 64-bit Offline Installer| 45.7 MB or go to enter link description here.

Have Fun :)

Upvotes: 0

Zaki Khan
Zaki Khan

Reputation: 31

the best way to disable Google chrome auto update is as follows

  • Go to oldversion dot com and download old version of google
  • Use Advanced unsinstaller to completely uninstall current (Updated) version. This will also get rid of registry entries
  • Download update freezer and create a shortcut on desktop
  • Disable internet
  • Restart PC
  • With internet disabled, install old version of Chrome
  • Ope Update Freezer and Disable Google auto update

You are done

Upvotes: 3

Hugo Delsing
Hugo Delsing

Reputation: 14173

I have tried all of these options and none seem to work. Sometimes I actually got a message "GoogleUpdate is disabled" when I checked the "About" page, but somehow a week later it was still updated.

Now I just add GoogleUpdate to the firewall and block internet access. If I check the "About" page I get a message it is updating and after a few seconds that it can't update and I should check my firewall.

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 81

Just add the object yourself using regedit:


  • Create new Key, "Google"
  • In "Google", create new Key, "Update"
  • In "Update" go to that key and create Dword, "AutoUpdateCheckPeriodMinutes" which automatically value set to 0, just double check and change if needed.

All done!

Restart might be needed.

Upvotes: 8

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