Reputation: 3428
I have successfully, on my "local-build", been able to create a temp-folder and add image files inside of it to be zipped and downloaded by a user. Unfortunately after deploying to my Test-Server, I am unable to create such temp folder and thusly cannot zip and stream it, I believe, due to permission errors. Basically I am at a pass. I cannot gain access to create folders on my Test-Server, and will either need to store this folder and files on my S3 bucket and then create a zipOutputStream from here -or- which I think may be a better solution if it is possible, is to just "On-The-Fly" send the zip content to response before I complete the zip creation. Is this possible? And if so how would go about doing so? Is there a benefit to this method over storing the files temporarily on S3 to be zipped and streamed.
Current Code for Folder Creation and Zipping and Streaming
def downloadZip(){
def fName = params.fName // ZipFile Name passed in ''
def fLoc = params.fLoc //Folder Location passed in '/example'
def user = User.get( fLoc as Long ) //Get the Users files to be zipped
def urlList = []
List ownedIds
//Create a temporary directory to place files inside before zipping
new File(fLoc).mkdir()
//Dynamic Resource '' -or- 'http://localhost:8080/'
def location = "${resource( dir:'/', absolute:true )}"
//Collect and Download QR-Codes image files
ownedIds = user.geolinks.collect {
//Define Url for Download
def urls = (location+"qrCode/download?" +it.linkAddress+ "&s=150&n=" +it.linkAddress)
//Download each QR-Code
//ZIP the directory that was created and filled with the QR codes
String zipFileName = fName
String inputDir = fLoc
ZipOutputStream zipFile = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFileName))
new File(inputDir).eachFile() { file ->
zipFile.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(file.getName()))
def buffer = new byte[1024]
file.withInputStream { i ->
def l =
// check whether the file is empty
if (l > 0) {
zipFile.write(buffer, 0, l)
//Download QR-Code Zip-File
try {
def file = new File(fName)
response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=${file.getName()}")
response.outputStream << file.newInputStream() // Performing a binary stream copy
catch(Exception e){
//Delete Temporary Folder
def dir2 = new File(fLoc)
//Download All QR-Codes images to folder [userID]
def download2(address, dir){
def file = new FileOutputStream(dir+"/"+address.tokenize("&n=")[-1]+".png")
def out = new BufferedOutputStream(file)
out << new URL(address).openStream()
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1217
Reputation: 171194
Right, this should do it, let me know if any of it doesn't make sense...
// A list of things to download and add to the zip
List<URL> testList = [ '',
'' ]*.toURL()
response.setHeader( "Content-disposition", "attachment;" )
response.contentType = "application/octet-stream"
// Wrap the response stream in a zipoutputstream
new ZipOutputStream( response.outputStream ).withStream { zos ->
// Always add a root folder to zip files, not to do so is spiteful
zos.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( "resources/" ) )
// For each URL
testList.each { res ->
// Get a name for this file in the zip
// This bit might be the tricky bit as I guess you don't know the file
// names. So instead of this you might need to check the response
// object from opening a connection to the URL. However, without a
// working example URL from you, I can't be sure :-(
String name = res.path.split( '/' )[ -1 ]
// Create a zip entry for it
zos.putNextEntry( new ZipEntry( "resources/$name" ) )
// Write the resource stream into our zip
res.withInputStream { ins ->
zos << ins
// Close this resource
// Close the root folder
Upvotes: 2