Reputation: 15042
I have an app that has a listview with checkboxes on it. Here is the method that actually draws the listview. (panelListId is the ID of the UL tag that contains the listview.)
* @param panelListId
* @param panelPersons
function _buildConfirmAttendanceEntries(panelListId, panelPersons){
//list the persons on that case
panelPersons.sort(function(left, right){
var leftSeqnum = left.originals.panelSequenceNumber;
var rightSeqnum = right.originals.panelSequenceNumber;
return leftSeqnum - rightSeqnum;
var from = -19;
var to = 0;
var result = "";
var seqNum = panelPerson.originals.panelSequenceNumber;
var needsDivider = false;
while(to < seqNum ){
from += 20;
to += 20;
needsDivider = true;
result += "<li data-role=list-divider>" + from + "-" + to + "</li>";
var listItem = "<li style='min-height: 32px; max-height: 90px; padding-left: 40px;' class='attendee'>";
var personId = panelPerson.originals.personId;
var nameId = seqNum + ". ";
nameId += _formatPersonName(panelPerson);
nameId += "<input type='hidden' value='" + personId + "'/>";
nameId += " (" + personId + ")";
listItem += _buildListContent(panelListId, personId, nameId, panelPerson.originals.awol);
listItem += "<\li>";
result += listItem + "\n";
return result;
On the first draw, I call it this way and everything works fine:
result += " <ul id='" + panelListId + "' data-role='listview' data-theme='e' data-inset='true' data-filter='true'>\n"
result += _buildConfirmAttendanceEntries(panelListId, panel.originals.panelPersons);
result += " </ul>\n"
When someone clicks on the listview, I remove all of the entries in the list and add all of the entries for the sub-list. When they click on the sub-list, I re-create the original list using this code:
* @param panelListId
function _refreshPanel(panelListId){
var parts = panelListId.split("-");
var panelId = parts[1];
var doneCallback = function(jsonText){
var panelList = jQuery.parseJSON(jsonText);
if(panelId == panel.originals.panelId){
var listContents = _buildConfirmAttendanceEntries(panelListId, panel.originals.panelPersons);
jQuery("#" + panelListId).empty().append(listContents).listview( "refresh" );
var checkboxes = jQuery(".attendCheckbox");
checkboxes.checkboxradio( "refresh" );
var failCallback = function(){
console.log( "error:" + getUnseatedPanelsUrl);
_loadPanels(doneCallback, failCallback);
But this time, checkboxes don't get rendered as jquery-mobile components, but as regular old HTML checkboxes.
Can someone tell me why?
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Views: 132