Reputation: 49228
My problem:
I got a MySQL database that stores a great amount of meteorological data in chronological order (New data are inserted every 10 min). Unfortunately there have been several blackouts and hence certain rows are missing. I recently managed to obtain certain backup-files from the weather station and now I want to use these to fill in the missing data.
The DB ist structures like this (example):
date* the data
2/10/2009 10:00 ...
2/10/2009 10:10 ...
( Missing data!)
2/10/2009 10:40 ...
2/10/2009 10:50 ...
2/10/2009 11:00 ...
-type, primary key
My idea:
Since backup and database are located on different computers and traffic is quite slow, I thought of creating a MySQL-query that, when run, will return a list of all missing dates in a specified range of time. I could then extract these dates from the backup and insert them to the database.
The question:
How to write such a query? I don't have the permission to create any auxilary table. Is it possible to formulate a "virtual table" of all required dates in the specified interval and then use it in a JOIN
? Or are there entirely different propositions for solving my problem?
Edit: Yes, the timestamps are consistently in the form shown above (always 10 minutes), except that some are just missing.
Okay, what about the temporary tables? Is there an elegant way of populating them with the time-range automatically? What if two scripts try to run simultaneously, does this cause problems with the table?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 8344
Reputation: 1779
select t1.ts as hival, t2.ts as loval
from metdata t1, metdata t2
where t2.ts = (select max(ts) from metdata t3
where t3.ts < t1.ts)
and not timediff(t1.ts, t2.ts) = '00:10:00'
This query will return couplets you can use to select the missing data. The missing data will have a timestamp between hival and loval for each couplet returned by the query.
EDIT - thx for checking, Craig
getting the missing timestamps - this SQL gets a bit harder to read, so I'll break it up a bit. First, we need a way to calculate a series of timestamp values between a given low value and a high value in 10 minute intervals. A way of doing this when you can't create tables is based on the following sql, which creates as a resultset all of the digits from 0 to 9.
select d1.* from
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1 by combining this table with a copy of itself a couple of times means we can dynamically generate a list of a specified length
select curdate() +
INTERVAL (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) * 10 MINUTE
as date
from (select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d2
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d3
where (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) between 1 and 42
order by 1
... now this piece of sql is getting close to what we need. It has 2 input variables:
... which means we can use the original sql to drive the example from above to generate a series of timestamps for each hival lowval pair. Bear with me, this sql is a bit long now...
select daterange.loval + INTERVAL (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) * 10 MINUTE as date
(select t1.ts as hival, t2.ts as loval
from metdata t1, metdata t2
where t2.ts = (select max(ts) from metdata t3
where t3.ts < t1.ts)
and not timediff(t1.ts, t2.ts) = '00:10:00'
) as daterange
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d1
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d2
(select 1 as digit
union select 2
union select 3
union select 4
union select 5
union select 6
union select 7
union select 8
union select 9
union select 0
) as d3
where (d1.digit * 100 + d2.digit * 10 + d3.digit) between 1 and
round((time_to_sec(timediff(hival, loval))-600) /600)
order by 1 there's a bit of epic sql
NOTE : using the digits table 3 times gives a maximum gap it will cover of a bit over 6 days
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 14842
This solution uses sub-queries, and there is no need for any explicit temporary tables. I've assumed your backup data is in another database on the other machine; if not you'd only need to do up to step 2 for the result-set you need, and write your program to update the main database accordingly.
The idea is to start out by producing a 'compact' result-set summarising the gap-list. I.e. the following data:
2009-12-06 13:00:00
2009-12-06 13:10:00
--missing data
2009-12-06 13:30:00
--missing data
2009-12-06 14:10:00
2009-12-06 14:20:00
2009-12-06 14:30:00
--missing data
2009-12-06 15:00:00
Would be transformed into the following where actual gaps are strictly between (i.e. exclusive of) the endpoints:
GapStart GapEnd
2009-12-06 13:10:00 2009-12-06 13:30:00
2009-12-06 13:30:00 2009-12-06 14:10:00
2009-12-06 14:30:00 2009-12-06 15:00:00
2009-12-06 15:00:00 NULL
The solution query is built up as follows:
The following query should be tested (preferably adjusted to run on the backup server for performance reasons).
/* TiC Copyright
This query is writtend (sic) by me, and cannot be used without
expressed (sic) written permission. (lol) */
/*Step 3*/
SELECT gap.GapStart, gap.GapEnd,
rem.MeasureDate, rem.Col1, ...
/*Step 2*/
SELECT gs.GapStart, (
SELECT MIN(wd.MeasureDate)
FROM WeatherData wd
WHERE wd.MeasureDate > gs.GapStart
) AS GapEnd
/*Step 1*/
SELECT wd.MeasureDate AS GapStart
FROM WeatherData wd
FROM WeatherData nxt
WHERE nxt.MeasureDate = DATEADD(mi, 10, wd.MeasureDate)
) gs
) gap
INNER JOIN RemoteWeatherData rem ON
rem.MeasureDate > gap.GapStart
AND rem.MeasureDate < gap.GapEnd
The insert...
INSERT INTO WeatherData (MeasureDate, Col1, ...)
SELECT /*gap.GapStart, gap.GapEnd,*/
rem.MeasureDate, rem.Col1, ...
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 839114
Note: uses MSSQL syntax. I think MySQL uses DATE_ADD(, INTERVAL 10 MINUTE) instead of DATEADD, but I haven't tested this.
You can get the missing timestamps with two self-joins:
SELECT T1.[date] AS DateFrom, MIN(T3.[date]) AS DateTo
FROM [test].[dbo].[WeatherData] T1
LEFT JOIN [test].[dbo].[WeatherData] T2 ON DATEADD(MINUTE, 10, =
LEFT JOIN [test].[dbo].[WeatherData] T3 ON > T1.Date
WHERE T2.[value] IS NULL
GROUP BY T1.[date]
If you have a lot of data, You might want to try restricting the range to one month at a time to avoid heavy load on your server, as this operation could be quite intensive.
The results will be something like this:
DateFrom DateTo
2009-10-02 10:10:00.000 2009-10-02 10:40:00.000
2009-10-02 11:00:00.000 NULL
The last row represents all data from the last timestamp into the future.
You can then use another join to get the rows from the other database that have a timestamp in between any of these intervals.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 166566
As a quick solotion using Sql Server, check for dates that do not have a follower of date+interval. I think MySql does have some sort of dateadd function, but you can try something like this. This will show you the ranges where you have missing data.
INSERT INTO @TABLE SELECT '10 Feb 2009 10:00:00'
INSERT INTO @TABLE SELECT '10 Feb 2009 10:10:00'
INSERT INTO @TABLE SELECT '10 Feb 2009 10:40:00'
INSERT INTO @TABLE SELECT '10 Feb 2009 10:50:00'
INSERT INTO @TABLE SELECT '10 Feb 2009 11:00:00'
FROM @TABLE currentVal
WHERE ((SELECT * FROM @TABLE nextVal WHERE DATEADD(mi,10,currentVal.DateValue) = nextVal.DateValue) IS NULL AND currentVal.DateValue != (SELECT MAX(DateValue) FROM @TABLE))
OR ((SELECT * FROM @TABLE prevVal WHERE DATEADD(mi,-10,currentVal.DateValue) = prevVal.DateValue) IS NULL AND currentVal.DateValue != (SELECT MIN(DateValue) FROM @TABLE))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13181
Do a self join and then calculate the max values that are smaller and have a difference larger than your interval.
In Oracle I'd do it like this (with ts being the timestamp column):
Select t1.ts, max(t2.ts)
FROM atable t1 join atable t2 on t1.ts > t2.ts
GROUP BY t1.ts
HAVING (t1.ts - max(t2.ts))*24*60 > 10
There will be better ways to handle the difference calculation in mySql, but I hope the idea comes across.
This query will give you the timestamps directly after and before outage, and you can build from there.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 15115
If you can create a temporary table, you can solve the problem with a JOIN
(theDate DATE);
Populate the table with all 10 minute intervals between your dates, then use the following
SELECT theDate
FROM DateRange dr
LEFT JOIN Meteorological mm on = dr.theDate
The result will be all of the date/times that do not have entries in your weather table.
If you need to quickly find days with missing data, you can use
select Date(mm.Date),144-count(*) as TotMissing
from Meteorological mm
group by Date(mm.Date)
having count(*) < 144
This is assume 24 hour a day, 6 entries per hour (hence 144 rows). – Sparky 0 secs ago
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9583
Create a temporary table (JOIN). Or take all the dates and query them locally, where you should have free reign (loop/hash).
For the JOIN, your generated reference of all dates is your base table and your data is your joined table. Seek out pairs where the joined data does not exist and select the generated date.
Upvotes: 0