Reputation: 5070
I'm attempting to run a CGI script in the current environment from another Perl module. All works well using standard systems calls for GET requests. POST is fine too, until the parameter list gets too long, then they get cut off.
Has anyone ran in to this problem, or have any suggestions for other ways to attempt this?
The following are somewhat simplified for clarity. There is more error checking, etc.
For GET requests and POST requests w/o parameters, I do the following:
# $query is a CGI object.
my $perl = $^X;
my $cgi = $cgi_script_location; # /path/file.cgi
system {$perl} $cgi;
For POST requests with parameters the following works, but seemingly limits my available query length:
# $query is a CGI object.
my $perl = $^X;
my $cgi = $cgi_script_location; # /path/file.cgi
# Gather parameters into a URL-escaped string suitable
# to pass to a CGI script ran from the command line.
# Null characters are handled properly.
# e.g., param1=This%20is%20a%20string¶m2=42&... etc.
# This works.
my $param_string = $self->get_current_param_string();
# Various ways to do this, but system() doesn't pass any
# parameters (different question).
# Using qx// and printing the return value works as well.
open(my $cgi_pipe, "|$perl $cgi");
print {$cgi_pipe} $param_string;
... a bunch of other parameters ...
p <-- cut off after 'p'. There are more parameters.
Other things I've done that didn't help or work
$> perl index.cgi < temp-param-file
is acceptably high (it's -1).Leads
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Views: 4424
Reputation: 5070
Turns out that the problem is actually related to the difference in Content-Length between the original parameters and the parameter string I cobbled together. I didn't realize that the CGI module was using this value from the original headers as the limit to how much input to read (makes sense!). Apparently the extra escaping I was doing was adding some characters.
My solution's trick is simply to piece together the parameter string I'll be passing and modify the environment variable the CGI module will check to determine the content length to be equal to the .
Here's the final working code:
use CGI::Util qw(escape);
my $params;
foreach my $param (sort $query->param) {
my $escaped_param = escape($param);
foreach my $value ($query->param($param)) {
$params .= "$escaped_param=" . escape("$value") . "&";
foreach (keys %{$query->{'.fieldnames'}}) {
$params .= ".cgifields=" . escape("$_") . "&";
# This is the trick.
$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = length($params);
open(my $cgi_pipe, "| $perl $cgi_script") || die("Cannot fork CGI: $!");
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { warn "spooler pipe broke" };
print {$cgi_pipe} $params;
warn("param chars: " . length($params));
close($cgi_pipe) || warn "Error: CGI exited with value $?";
Thanks for all the help!
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Reputation: 5070
I didn't want to do this, but I've gone with the most direct approach and it works. I'm tricking the environment to think the request method is GET so that the called CGI script will read its input from the QUERY_STRING environment variable it expects. Like so:
$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} = $long_parameter_string . '&' . $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
system {$perl_exec} $cgi_script;
I'm worried about potential problems this may cause, but I can't think of what this would harm, and it works well so far. But, because I'm worried, I thought I'd ask the horde if they saw any potential problems:
Are there any problems handling a POST request as a GET request on the server
I'll save marking this as the official answer until people have confirmed or at least debated it on the above post.
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Passign parameters to system as a single string, from HTTP input, is extremely dangerous.
From perldoc -f system,
If there is only one scalar argument, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is /bin/sh -c on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms). If there are no shell metacharacters in the argument,..
In other words, if I pass in arguments -e printf("working..."); rm -rf /;
I can delete information from your disk (everything if your web server is running as root). If you choose to do this, make sure you call system("perl", @cgi)
The argument length issue you're running into may be an OS limitation (described at
There are different ways to learn the upper limit:
- command: getconf ARG_MAX
- system header: ARG_MAX in e.g. <[sys/]limits.h>
Saving to a temp file is risky: multiple calls to the CGI might save to the same file, creating a race condition where one user's parameters might be used by another user's process.
You might try opening a file handle to the process and passing arguments as standard input, instead. open my $perl, '|', 'perl' or die; fprintf(PERL, @cgi);
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