Reputation: 53
I have one test step which contains two assertion.
Now I have one groovy script, from where I am executing this test step. Using this groovy script I need to print assertion name, Value and Status. Below is the code I have written:
testStepSrc = testCase.getTestStepByName(testName)
Assertioncounter = testStepSrc.getAssertionList().size()
for (AssertionCount in 0..Assertioncounter-1)
{"Assertion :" + testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).getName() + " :: " + testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).getStatus())
error = testStepSrc.getAssertionAt(AssertionCount).getErrors()
if (error != null)
but in output it is displaying like:
Wed Sep 04 17:21:11 IST 2013:INFO:Assertion :Not SOAP Fault :: VALID
Wed Sep 04 17:21:11 IST 2013:INFO:Assertion :Contains :: VALID
As you can see, I am able to print assertion name and status but not the value of 'Contains' assertion. Please help me how to get the value of a particular assertion.
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 20229
Reputation: 59
Abhishek's response did contain you answer I believe but just not in the format you were looking for.
I was looking for the same info for custom reporting and after digging through The SoapUI forms I stumbled upon this.
The piece of code that I believe you are looking for is: e.getToken()
however this is an example of how to retrieve it only when an error occurs but you can get it in a valid scenario using something similar to:
def iAssertionName = assertionNameList[j]
def iAssertionStatus = testStep.getAssertionAt(j).getStatus().toString()
def tstep = testStep.getName()
def gStatus = testStep.getAssertionAt(j).status
def expect = testStep.getAssertionAt(j).getToken() "Expected Content: " + expect
This is a subset of my code but produces the log message:
Fri Sep 20 11:04:09 CDT 2013:INFO:Expected Content: success
My SoapUI script assertion was checking to see if my response contained the string "success".
Thanks Abhishek for your response!
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Reputation: 1855
So here is some things for you to read
and what i tried
def assertionsList = testRunner.getTestCase().getTestStepByName("Test Step Name").getAssertionList()
for( e in assertionsList){ e.getToken() //gives the value of the content to search for e.DESCRIPTION e.ID e.LABEL e.toString()
This gives the following output
Wed Sep 04 15:12:19 ADT 2013:INFO:Abhishek //the contains assertion was checking for the word "Abhishek" in the response of my test step where the assertion was applied.
Wed Sep 04 15:12:19 ADT 2013:INFO:Searches for the existence of a string token in the property value, supports regular expressions. Applicable to any property.
Wed Sep 04 15:12:19 ADT 2013:INFO:Simple Contains
Wed Sep 04 15:12:19 ADT 2013:INFO:Contains
Wed Sep 04 15:12:19 ADT 2013:INFO:com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.assertions.basic.SimpleContainsAssertion@c4115f0
Upvotes: 1