Reputation: 339
THIS IS FOR HOMEWORK, I don't expect you to resolve my problem, just need some understanding...
I have to work with ASM and C in a dosbox. My first problem is I don't really understand how to use bios interrupts (any good tutorial with code samples would be really appreciated), ok, I get there's interrupts, and each one has its own functions and parameters...
Anyway I've tried...What I need to do is, theoretically, simple, I just need to get a character from keyboard and if it is a 1 or 0 key, count it, if I have five keystrokes of key 1, I switch on the speaker, if the speaker is on and I have three 0 keys, the speaker is turned off, and also it can be turned off if mouse moves to the right...
I have it almost done, my problem is getting the returned byte from an interrupt and check it.
To get the char I use function 01H from INT 16H, that's why I don't want the asm block to wait until a new char came up, the problem is I can't undertand how to get the ZERO FLAG that tells me if a new char has arrived and if so, get it and remove it from the keyboard buffer.
Here's is my loop:
// Loop
for(;;) {
if (key == ESC) break; // If ESC is pressed...
if (mouseExist == TRUE) currentX = getMouseX(); // Mouse X position
/* In that block I wait for the user input, it works...
asm {
mov AH, 08H
int 21H // DOS-API
mov key, AL
// Block I don't get...UPDATED
asm {
mov ah, 01H
int 16h
jz not_set // If zero flag is 1, jump to not_set, else
mov key, al // Getting key
mov ah, 04H // reset buffer
int 16H
// Count ones
if (key == ONE && countOnes < MAX_ONES) {
resetBuffer(); // Reset keyboard buffer (NOT WORKING)...
// Count 0s
else if (key == ZERO && isPlaying == TRUE) countZeros++;
// If I have enought zeros OR speaker is on AND mouse have been moved to
// the right
if (countZeros == MAX_ZERO || (initX < currentX && isPlaying == TRUE)) {
stop(); // Stop speaker...It works...
// Restore counters
countOnes = 0;
countZeros = 0;
checkMouse(); // Reset Mouse...Works...
showMouse(); // Works
initX = getMouseX();
currentX = initX;
isPlaying = FALSE;
} else if (countOnes == MAX_ONES) { // I have the ones
isPlaying = TRUE;
play(); // Turn on the speaker.
key = '\0';
// I have also try to reset buffer here...No luck...
Function ResetBuffer:
void resetBuffer() {
asm {
mov AH, 04H // Function reset
int 16H
Thanks in advance...
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1322
Reputation: 6303
You can push the flags, then pop them into a register to check the corresponding bit:
unsigned short flags;
asm {
mov ah, 04h
int 16h
pop ax
mov flags, ax
if (flags & 0x40) {
// zero flag is set
You could also directly check the flag in assembly:
mov ah, 04h
int 16h
jz not_set
// here, if zero flag was set
The exact syntax of labels depends on your compiler.
Upvotes: 1