So I have the following swept AABB collision detection algorithm working all fine and dandy (based on this article)
My question is how can I determine the collision normal, or in other words, the side of the box that aabb0
hit aabb1
I've looked high and low on Google to no avail. I need the normal of the collision so I can determine how to 'slide' aabb0
after a collision. (aabb0
is the player's bounding box and aabb1
is a static block somewhere in the world).
is the player's bounding box.
is the displacement of aabb0
is a static block in the world.
is the displacement of aabb1
(always 0).
and u1
are the first and last collision times.
template<typename T>
intersect_type_t intersects(const aabb_t<T> aabb0, const T& d0, const aabb_t<T>& aabb1, const T& d1, float32_t& u0, float32_t& u1)
auto v = glm::value_ptr((d1 - d0));
auto amin = glm::value_ptr(aabb0.min);
auto amax = glm::value_ptr(aabb0.max);
auto bmin = glm::value_ptr(aabb1.min);
auto bmax = glm::value_ptr(aabb1.max);
vec3_t u_0(FLT_MAX);
vec3_t u_1(FLT_MIN);
if(intersects(aabb0, aabb1) != intersect_type_t::disjoint)
u0 = u1 = 0;
return intersect_type_t::intersect;
for(size_t i=0; i < 3; ++i)
if(v[i] == 0)
u_0[i] = 0;
u_1[i] = 1;
if(amax[i] < bmin[i] && v[i] < 0)
u_0[i] = (amax[i] - bmin[i]) / v[i];
else if(bmax[i] < amin[i] && v[i] > 0)
u_0[i] = (amin[i] - bmax[i]) / v[i];
if(bmax[i] > amin[i] && v[i] < 0)
u_1[i] = (amin[i] - bmax[i]) / v[i];
else if(amax[i] > bmin[i] && v[i] > 0)
u_1[i] = (amax[i] - bmin[i]) / v[i];
u0 = glm::compMax(u_0);
u1 = glm::compMin(u_1);
return u0 >= 0 && u1 <= 1 && u0 <= u1 ? intersect_type_t::intersect : intersect_type_t::disjoint;
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Views: 3278
Replaced my return function with the following:
auto result = u0 >= 0 && u1 <= 1 && u0 <= u1 ? intersect_type_t::intersect : intersect_type_t::disjoint;
if(normal != nullptr && result == intersect_type_t::intersect)
auto normal_value_ptr = glm::value_ptr(*normal);
for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if(u_0[i] == u0)
normal_value_ptr[i] = v[i] > 0 ? 1.f : -1.f;
return result;
Upvotes: 1