Reputation: 1432
I am using layout: 'hbox'
for a container and this contain has four child items as below
I want all these four elements to be displayed horizontally in single line, that's why I used HBox layout, but its showing only first two child items. I looked up generated html and found that items 3 and 4 are generated but are getting position incorrectly.
Here is jsfiddle link for below code
Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
width: '100%',
bodyPadding: 10,
items: [{
xtype: 'container',
id: 'chkNumberCtnr',
layout: {
type: 'hbox',
align: 'stretch'
items: [{
xtype: 'label',
cls: 'field-label',
text: 'from Check Number',
}, {
xtype: 'container',
id: 'frmChkFldCntr',
cls: 'field-container',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'fromChk'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
id: 'frmChkMessage',
cls: 'error-message',
html: '<div>This is required field</div>'
}, {
xtype: 'label',
text: 'to Check Number'
xtype: 'container',
id: 'toChkFldCntr',
cls: 'field-container',
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
id: 'toChk'
}, {
xtype: 'container',
id: 'toChkMessage',
cls: 'error-message',
html: '<div>This is required field</div>'
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