
Reputation: 81

Adding Google Analytics to an app

I want to implement this new method of Google Analytics, I want to conditinally insert this code in the head section conditionally in production mode only, any suggestion to how to do this?

Upvotes: 6

Views: 4734

Answers (4)

P Pramod Nair
P Pramod Nair

Reputation: 171

I know this is already answered, but I spent quite a bit of time based on an answer above which seems to be outdated. So I am posting what I did to get Google Analytics working with my Rails 3.0 app.

1) Add the following in your Gemfile

group :production do  
  gem 'rack-google-analytics', :require => 'rack/google-analytics'  

Note that it is rack-google-analytics and NOT rack-google_analytics. Ditto with the require part

2) In your config/environments/production.rb file, add the following snippet (replacing the dummy tracker with the google analytics tracker for your website).

config.gem 'rack-google-analytics', :lib => 'rack/google-analytics'
config.middleware.use Rack::GoogleAnalytics, :tracker => 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X'

3) Run bundle install and start the rails server
4) Sit back and see the analytics flowing in!

Check out for instructions on how to make it work with sinatra, padrino etc.

Also, the latest copy of the gem uses :async option to use asynchronous tracker. The default is true, so you won't need to use this option unless you want to suppress async for some strange reason!

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 5511

For people coming across this article, be aware this gem supports the traditional google analytics (as opposed to the "newer" aysnc version). Google Analytics Async

I didn't really see any switches to convert between the 2 types.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 950

Google Analytics and Rails in 5 EASY Steps:

If you are in Rails 3, I just found a great solution for doing Google Analytics in Rails apps.

(1) In your Gemfile:

group :production do
  gem 'rack-google_analytics', :require => "rack/google_analytics"

(2) Bundle Install

(3) In your config/application.rb (put this in the class definition section - careful not to drop it in a module. I put mine right under "class Application"):

if Rails.env == "production"
  config.middleware.use("Rack::GoogleAnalytics", :web_property_id => "UA-0000000-1")

(4) Initiate your Google Analytics account

(5) Copy and paste that funky web_property_id from Google's supplied code into the code from (3), replacing 'UA-000000-1'

That's it!

I originally found this solution here: David Bock Article

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 1569

Are you using Rails 2.3 ? You could wrap the snip in an if statement,

<% if Rails.env.production? %>
    <!-- my analytics code -->
<% end %>

simple enough.

Upvotes: 7

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