Reputation: 159
I recently tried to use the plugin scrollTo of Flesler.
Unfortunately I can not make it work. My code looks like this
For example, using the following code
$ (window).load(function () {
/ / Scroll the whole document
$ ('# blue'). scrollTo ('', 2500, {easing: 'elasout'});
almost nothing happens. I do not understand what is causing this problem
I hope someone with more knowledge about it can help me. Thanks in advance to all
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Views: 1178
Reputation: 11834
$(document).ready(function () {
// Scroll the whole document
$(document).scrollTo('', 2500);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1235
Please See The Docs and Orginal Demo. u need to add jquery.localscroll-min.js
and Html
target with <div id="content"></div>
jQuery(function( $ ){
* Most jQuery.localScroll's settings, actually belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.
* @see
* You can use EVERY single setting of jQuery.ScrollTo, in the settings hash you send to jQuery.LocalScroll.
// The default axis is 'y', but in this demo, I want to scroll both
// You can modify any default like this
$.localScroll.defaults.axis = 'xy';
// Scroll initially if there's a hash (#something) in the url
target: '#content', // Could be a selector or a jQuery object too.
* NOTE: I use $.localScroll instead of $('#navigation').localScroll() so I
* also affect the >> and << links. I want every link in the page to scroll.
target: '#content', // could be a selector or a jQuery object too.
onBefore:function( e, anchor, $target ){
// The 'this' is the settings object, can be modified
onAfter:function( anchor, settings ){
// The 'this' contains the scrolled element (#content)
See Wroked Demo Here
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5332
You dont't remember include jQuery
and scrollTo
plugin into page?
$(document).on('click', '#blue' function(e){
$(this).scrollTo($(this).attr('href'), 2500, {easing: 'elasout'});
Upvotes: 2