Reputation: 125
I'm aware that vlookup only returns one result, but I'm looking for a way to search across 2 columns and return all results that match this query:
SUBSTITUTE("*"&C2&"*"," ","*")
This way it returns similar matches as well. I'm able to return the first match (through a vlookup), but I need to return all matches and display them across a row.
If it would create an array, I could display the first match in the row with the first element in the array, display the second match with the second element.. and so on.
VBA so far:
Function Occur(text, occurence, column_to_check)
newarray = Split(text, " ")
Dim temp As New Collection
Dim intX As Integer
For i = 1 To 90000
intX = 1
For j = 0 To Len(newarray)
If Not InStr(Range(column_to_check + i).Value, newarray(j)) Then
intX = 0
End If
Next j
Exit For
If intX = 1 Then
temp.Add (Cells(i, column_to_check))
End If
Next i
End Function
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2107
Reputation: 3310
Try this. You can either use it as an array formulae selecting a reasonable number of cells to display the result, or use it in code and dump to the worksheet in whatever fashion you like.
It accepts a single string to search for (which it splits and tests each word within the single string), then a Param Array of strings, ranges or arrays to search in. It returns an array of matches so you can either use it as an array formula or use in code as any other array.
Usage examples:
=GetAllMatches("two three",A1:A5)
example with single contiguous range=GetAllMatches("two three",A1,A3:A20,B5:B8,D1)
'example with non-contiguous cells=GetAllMatches("two three",{"one two","three two","one two three"})
example with array=GetAllMatches("two three","one two","one","three two","one two three")
example with stringsFor each match in GetAllMatches(blah,blahblah):Debug.Print match:Next match
example of use in code instead of a formulaYou may have to tweak to taste but I have commented what it is doing in the code.
Code example:
Public Function GetAllMatches(searchFor As String, ParamArray searchWithin()) As Variant
'I use a ParamArray to handle the case of wanting to pass in non-contiguous ranges to search other
'e.g. Blah(A1,A2,A3,C4:C10,E5)
'nice little feature of Excel formulae :)
Dim searchRange, arr, ele, searchComponents
Dim i As Long
Dim results As Collection
Dim area As Range
Set results = New Collection
'generate words to test
searchComponents = Split(searchFor, " ")
For Each searchRange In searchWithin
If TypeOf searchRange Is Range Then 'range (we test to handle user passing in arrays)
For Each area In searchRange.Areas 'we enumerate to handle multi-area ranges
arr = area.Value
If VarType(arr) < vbArray Then 'we test to handle single cell areas
If isMatch(arr, searchComponents) Then results.Add arr 'is a match so add to results
Else 'is an array, so enumerate
For Each ele In arr
If isMatch(ele, searchComponents) Then results.Add ele 'is a match so add to results
Next ele
End If
Next area
Select Case VarType(searchRange)
Case Is > vbArray 'user passed in an array not a range
For Each ele In searchRange 'enumerate, not iterate, to handle multiple dimensions etc
If isMatch(ele, searchComponents) Then results.Add ele 'is a match so add to results
Next ele
Case vbString
If isMatch(searchRange, searchComponents) Then results.Add searchRange 'is a match so add to results
Case Else 'no idea - return an error then fail fast (suppressed if called by an excel formula so ok)
GetAllMatches = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrRef)
Err.Raise 1, "GetAllMatches", "Invalid Argument"
End Select
End If
Next searchRange
'Process Results
If results.Count = 0 Then 'no matches
GetAllMatches = CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrNA) 'return #N/A
'process results into an array
ReDim arr(0 To results.Count - 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = results(i + 1)
Next i
GetAllMatches = arr 'Return the array of matches
End If
End Function
Private Function isMatch(ByRef searchIn, ByRef searchComponents) As Boolean
Dim ele
For Each ele In searchComponents
If Not (InStr(1, searchIn, ele, vbTextCompare) > 0) Then
Exit Function
End If
Next ele
isMatch = True
End Function
Example spreadsheet:
one two
one two three
one three two
four three one two
one two three
one three two
four three one two
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 53623
Use a scripting dictionary and some array/range manipulation. I tested this on about 30,000 rows and it returned about 10,000 matches faster than I could blink.
Sub TestWithoutRE()
Dim dict As Object
Dim srchStrings() As String
Dim s As Variant
Dim colsToSearch As Range
Dim cl As Range
Dim allMatch As Boolean
Dim matchArray As Variant
'Define the strings you're looking for
srchStrings = Split([C2], " ")
'Define the ranges to search:
Set colsToSearch = Range("F1:G33215")
'Build a dictionary of the column data
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Each cl In colsToSearch.Cells
allMatch = True 'this will be set to false on the first non-matching value, no worries
'Make sure each word is in the cell's value:
For Each s In srchStrings
If InStr(1, LCase(cl), LCase(s)) = 0 Then
allMatch = allMatch + 1
Exit For 'exit this if ANY substring is not found
End If
If allMatch Then
'## As long as all strings were found, add this item to the dictionary
dict.Add cl.Address, cl.Value
End If
'## Here is your array of matching values:
matchArray = dict.Items
End Sub
Basically I split your search parameter (C2
) in to an array. I then iterate each cell in these columns, testing against each element of the split array from C2
. If any of the words from C2
are not found then I ignore it as a partial match, you're only looking for both words matching, in no particular order.
If both words match, add the value to a dictionary object.
You can then access all matching values by referring to the dictionary.Items
which returns an array.
Upvotes: 2