The data reader is incompatible with the specified Entity Framework

I have a method that will return the bare min results from a sproc to fill a select menu. When I want the bare min results I pass bool getMin = true to the sproc, and when I want the complete record I pass bool getMin = false.

This is causing the Entity FrameWork error of "The data reader is incompatible with the specified"

The most relevant portion of the error

{"Message":"An error has occurred.","ExceptionMessage":"The data reader is incompatible with the specified 'CatalogModel.proc_GetFramingSystems_Result'. A member of the type, 'FrameType', does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.","ExceptionType":"System.Data.EntityCommandExecutionException",

Obviously the error is telling me that when the data reader attempted to set the property 'FrameType' that is was not in the query results.

Now I understand the error, what I am wanting to know is that am I goning to have t split up this sql sproc into two sprocs or is there a work around for this?

My function below

public static IEnumerable<IFramingSystem> GetFramingSystems(int brandID, string frameType, string glazeMethod, bool getMin)
    using (CatalogEntities db = new CatalogEntities())
        return db.proc_GetFramingSystems(brandID, frameType, glazeMethod, getMin).ToList<IFramingSystem>();

My TSQL below

ALTER proc [Catelog].[proc_GetFramingSystems]
@BrandID   INT,
@FrameType VARCHAR(26),
@GlazeMethod VARCHAR(7) ='Inside',
@getMin    BIT = 0
IF @getMin =0
SELECT c.ID,c.Name,c.Descr,c.FrameType,c.isSubFrame,
        from Catelog.Component c
WHERE c.MyType ='Frame' 
AND c.FrameType = @FrameType
AND c.GlazingMethod = @GlazeMethod
SELECT cp.ComponentID FROM Catelog.Part p JOIN
            Catelog.ComponentPart cp ON p.ID = cp.PartID
            WHERE p.BrandID = @BrandID
            ORDER BY c.Name
SELECT c.ID,c.Name,c.Descr
        from Catelog.Component c
WHERE c.MyType ='Frame' 
AND c.FrameType = @FrameType
AND c.GlazingMethod = @GlazeMethod
SELECT cp.ComponentID FROM Catelog.Part p JOIN
            Catelog.ComponentPart cp ON p.ID = cp.PartID
            WHERE p.BrandID = @BrandID
            ORDER BY c.Name

Upvotes: 20

Views: 81224

Answers (3)


Reputation: 490

I understand this is an old post; but, I wanted to share what I learned tonight about this. What I found that the 'most relevant portion of the error message is stating' is this.

db.proc_GetFramingSystems(brandID, frameType, glazeMethod, getMin).ToList<IFramingSystem>();

is expecting a column to be returned from the stored procedure with the alias of 'FrameType'.

I ran into this when I created a POCO (plain old clr object) class of my table with more programmer friendly names. Instead of a strongly typed name of say 'email_address', I wanted 'EmailAddy' and so forth. I created a mapped class stating this among other mapped columns.

this.Property(t => t.EmailAddy).HasColumnName("email_address");

Although this is necessary for other parts of EF to work, the mapping class is not referenced when executing a db.SqlQuery.

So, when the code below executes

var a = new SqlParameter("@fshipno", shipno);
return _context.db.SqlQuery<EmailList>("exec spGetEmailAddy @fshipno", a).ToList();

It generated the same error except instead of 'FrameType', it mentioned 'EmailAddy'.

The fix... I had to alias the 'email_address' column in my stored procedure to 'EmailAddy' to get it to map the returned dataset to my POCO.

EDIT: I have found that this only works if your method is returning an IEnumerable:

public IEnumerable<myPOCO> GetMyPoco()

You will get the same error message if you are attempting to return a single POCO object.

public myPOCO GetMyPoco()

Upvotes: 14

Avinash Goud N J
Avinash Goud N J

Reputation: 89

If you are inserting/deleting/updating (these are considered by EF as 'non-query'), and can be called by our code using

MyDbContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(insert into Table (Col1,Col2) values (1,2));

But if are doing select query for a raw SQL statement, then use

MyDbContext.DbSet<Table_name>.SqlQuery(select * from table_name).ToList();


MyDbContext.Database.SqlQuery(select * from table_name).ToList();


The SqlQuery() function, in EF, for strange reasons, throw exception Insert/delete/update operation. (The exception thrown is "A member of the type, does not have a corresponding column in the data reader with the same name.") But it has actually performed operation if you open your Sql Management Studio and check for the entries.


Upvotes: 3

Wiktor Zychla
Wiktor Zychla

Reputation: 48314

To me it seems that both branches of the IF return different data, the first branch returns 9 columns where the second - only three. I believe the EF can't reflect the IFramingSystem from the latter. Specifically, the column FrameType (and 5 other columns) are obviously missing:

 SELECT c.ID,c.Name,c.Descr    <- where are the remaining columns
    from Catelog.Component c

Upvotes: 18

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