Reputation: 113
Let's suppose that I have
How can I make Fixpoint that looks similar to this:
Fixpoint Example (n:T):X :=
match {C n} + {~C n} with
left _ => ... |
right _ => Example (F1 n)
And how I can make possible the following usage of tactic 'induction' (or similar):
Theorem ...
induction n F.
(* And now I have two goals:
the first with assumption C n and goal P n,
the second with assumption P n and goal P (F2 n) *)
I tried to do that with type nz: {n:nat | n<>O} (looking in the chapter 7.1 of Certified Programming with Dependent Types book) but got only this far:
Require Import Omega.
Definition nz: Set := {n:nat | n<>O}.
Theorem nz_t1 (n:nat): S n<>O. Proof. auto. Qed.
Definition nz_eq (n m:nz) := eq (projT1 n) (projT1 m).
Definition nz_one: nz := exist _ 1 (nz_t1 O).
Definition nz_lt (n m:nz) := lt (projT1 n) (projT1 m).
Definition nz_pred (n:nz): nz := exist _ (S (pred (pred (projT1 n)))) (nz_t1 _).
Theorem nz_Acc: forall (n:nz), Acc nz_lt n.
intro. destruct n as [n pn], n as [|n]. omega.
induction n; split; intros; destruct y as [y py]; unfold nz_lt in *; simpl in *.
assert (y<S n\/y=S n). omega. destruct H0.
assert (S n<>O); auto.
assert (nz_lt (exist _ y py) (exist _ (S n) H1)). unfold nz_lt; simpl; assumption.
fold nz_lt in *. apply Acc_inv with (exist (fun n0:nat=>n0<>O) (S n) H1). apply IHn.
unfold nz_lt; simpl; assumption.
rewrite <- H0 in IHn. apply IHn.
Theorem nz_lt_wf: well_founded nz_lt. Proof. exact nz_Acc. Qed.
Lemma pred_wf: forall (n m:nz), nz_lt nz_one n -> m = nz_pred n -> nz_lt m n.
intros. unfold nz_lt, nz_pred in *. destruct n as [n pn], m as [m pm]. simpl in *.
destruct n, m; try omega. simpl in *. inversion H0. omega.
I couldn't understand what happens further because it was too complicated for me.
P.S. As I see it - there isn't any good enough tutorial about general recursion and induction in Coq for beginners. At least I could find. :(
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Views: 606
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I'll try to write a more complete answer later, but Coq has a command called Function that makes it easier to write functions whose arguments decrease according to some well-ordering. Look for the command on the reference manual (, specifically the "wf" variant.
Upvotes: 2