Reputation: 1
I'm using GLSL shaders in my WebGL project, a recent Chrome update made my shaders not linking without error message. The problem occur when i use a uniform as a condition of a "if" in a fragment shader, like this example :
uniform int hasTexture;
void main(void) {
if(hasTexture == 1) {
// some code
In the vertex shader, it works, and if i don't use an uniform here, it works too.
EDIT : Here is the full shader where my problem occur :
Vertex Shader :
attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
attribute vec3 aVertexNormal;
attribute vec2 aVertexTextureCoord;
uniform mat4 uMVMatrix;
uniform mat4 uPMatrix;
uniform mat3 uNMatrix;
uniform mat4 uMVMatrixCenter;
uniform vec3 uSunPosition;
uniform int hasTexture;
uniform int hasNormal;
varying float vLightLength;
varying float vSpecularLength;
varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
uniform float shininess;
uniform float sunPower;
void main(void) {
vec4 inposition = uMVMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition, 1.0);
gl_Position = uPMatrix * inposition;
if(hasNormal == 1) {
vec4 transformedLocation = (uMVMatrixCenter * vec4(uSunPosition, 1.0));
vec3 sunPosition =;
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(sunPosition -;
vec3 transformedNormal = uNMatrix * aVertexNormal;
vec3 normal = normalize(transformedNormal);
vLightLength = max(dot(normal, lightDirection), 0.0)*sunPower;
vec3 eyeDirection = normalize(;
vec3 reflectionDirection = reflect(-lightDirection, normal);
vSpecularLength = pow(max(dot(reflectionDirection, eyeDirection), 0.0), 32.0)*sunPower;
else {
vLightLength = 1.0;
vSpecularLength = 0.0;
if(hasTexture == 1)
vTextureCoord = aVertexTextureCoord;
And here is the fragment shader :
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
varying float vLightLength;
varying float vSpecularLength;
varying vec2 vTextureCoord;
uniform sampler2D uSampler;
uniform int hasTexture;
uniform float ambiantIntensity;
uniform vec3 diffuseColor;
uniform vec3 emissiveColor;
uniform vec3 specularColor;
uniform float shininess;
uniform float transparency;
void main(void) {
if(hasTexture == 1) {
gl_FragColor = vec4(texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.s, vTextureCoord.t)).rgb*(
+specularColor*vSpecularLength*shininess), 1.0-transparency); // *vLightLength
else {
gl_FragColor = vec4((emissiveColor*(1.0-vLightLength)
+specularColor*vSpecularLength*shininess), 1.0-transparency);
And here is the code compiling them :
for(i=0;i<shaderNames.length;i++) {
vertexShader = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(vertexShader, shaderSourceList[i*2]);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vertexShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
fragmentShader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
gl.shaderSource(fragmentShader, shaderSourceList[i*2+1]);
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fragmentShader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
shaderPrograms[i] = gl.createProgram();
gl.attachShader(shaderPrograms[i], vertexShader);
gl.attachShader(shaderPrograms[i], fragmentShader);
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(shaderPrograms[i], gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
alert("Could not initialise shader "+shaderNames[i]);
The error returned here is "Could not initialise shader " followed by the name.
If i remove the "if(hasTexture == 1) {" from my code, it works.
EDIT 2 : I have installed WebGL inspector and i have now an error message for this buffer :
"Precisions for uniform hasTexture do not match between the vertex and fragment shader"
But i don't know what is wrong with my uniform.
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Views: 2218
Reputation: 1
Ok, apparently the problem is due to a same uniform used in both vertex and fragment shader, if i rename the "hasTexture" uniform to "hasTextureVS" in the vertex shader, it works !
I don't know why using the same uniform in both shaders is now forbidden since a recent Chrome update, but this workaround solve my problem.
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