Reputation: 1078
I know only enough about packet traffic to make a lot of very bad assumptions. I am turning to the collective wisdom of Stackoverflow to help me out a little bit.
Unsurprisingly, I feel that my Internet provider (lets just call them 'big cable') is blowing a bunch of smoke up my butt when it comes to solving a technical issue.
I can only open simple web pages. Pages loaded down with a lot of includes, large javascript libraries, big Styles Sheets, google analytics etc simply stall out. I can see that the index.html file loads just fine using curl.
My cable prover hooks up and say "See it goes just as fast as it should".
When I open a packet sniffer however I can see that between 50% and 95% of the incoming TCP packets at any given time have a bad Checksum. ANd when i get too high a percentage of bad checksum, my browser will timeout loading the page. Streaming video and Voip are just fine however.
I am making a few assumptions here that I would like to have verified.
I have come up with an analogy that I would like someone to confirm its accuracy: It is as if FedEx was delivering my packages on time, but smashed beyond usefulness.
Finally. As they are using the result to keep me stuck to my contract. What can I do to either help them fix the mess or prove to them they in fact have a mess?
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Views: 2025
Reputation: 1216
This belongs on ServerFault, not StackOverflow.
If i were you, i'd call them up, and go up their ladder (ask to speak to the manager, ask to speak to their manager, etc all the way up the line) and talk to someone with real power that might be able to actually help you with the situation. If they are in fact interfering with your TCP traffic, they are likely in breach of contract, as they aren't delivering the service they have advertised.
Upvotes: 1