Reputation: 744
This is in Word for MAC VBA. I want to save the Unicode character from a text box to text file. For example this character "⅛".
I use this code.
Dim N as Long
N = FreeFile
Dim strText as String
strText = Textbox1.Text 'This is what is in the textbox "⅛"
Open <file path> For Output As N
Print #N, strText
Close N
It does not save the Unicode character. I understand I have to change the text encoding format. How do I do that?
Likewise, how to read the text file with the Unicode format?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 13260
Reputation: 99
Here is a VBA routine that takes a string as input (your text), and fills an array of bytes. Then you write that array to disk in binary mode, making sure you start writing it after the first three bytes (BOM).
'You 'll need these Public variables:
Public byteArray1() As Byte, regexUTF8 As String
Sub testing()
' Creating the BOM
Dim bom(2) As Byte, someFile As Long
bom(0) = 239: bom(1) = 187: bom(2) = 191
' Writing something as utf-8
UTF16toUTF8 "L'élève de l'école"
someFile = FreeFile()
Open "MacDisk:test.txt" For Binary As #someFile
' first, the BOM
Put #someFile, 1, bom
' then the utf-8 text
Put #someFile, 4, byteArray1
Close #someFile
End Sub
Sub UTF16toUTF8(theString As String)
' by Yves Champollion
' Transforms a VB/VBA string (they're all 16-bit) into a byteArray1, utf-8 compliant
If isStringUTF8(theString) Then Exit Sub
Dim iLoop As Long, i As Long, k As Long
k = 0
ReDim byteArray1(Len(theString) * 4)
For iLoop = 1 To Len(theString)
i = AscW(Mid$(theString, iLoop, 1))
If i < 0 Then i = i + 65536
If i > -1 And i < 128 Then
byteArray1(k) = i
k = k + 1
ElseIf i >= 128 And i < 2048 Then
byteArray1(k) = (i \ 64) Or 192
byteArray1(k + 1) = (i And 63) Or 128
k = k + 2
ElseIf i >= 2048 And i < 65536 Then
byteArray1(k) = (i \ 4096) Or 224
byteArray1(k + 1) = ((i \ 64) And 63) Or 128
byteArray1(k + 2) = (i And 63) Or 128
k = k + 3
byteArray1(k) = (i \ 262144) Or 240
byteArray1(k + 1) = (((i \ 4096) And 63)) Or 128
byteArray1(k + 2) = ((i \ 64) And 63) Or 128
byteArray1(k + 3) = (i And 63) Or 128
k = k + 4
End If
ReDim Preserve byteArray1(k - 1)
End Sub
Function isStringUTF8(theString As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
' Prime the regex argument
If Len(regexUTF8) <> 66 Then
regexUTF8 = "*[" + Space$(62) + "]*"
For i = 192 To 253
Mid(regexUTF8, i - 189, 1) = Chr(i)
End If
' First quick check: any escaping characters?
If Not theString Like regexUTF8 Then Exit Function
'longer check: are escaping characters followed by UTF-8 sequences?
For i = 1 To Len(theString) - 3
If Asc(Mid(theString, i, 1)) > 192 Then
k = Asc(Mid(theString, i, 1))
If k > 193 And k < 220 Then
If (Asc(Mid(theString, i + 1, 1)) And 128) Then
isStringUTF8 = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
If k > 223 Then
If (Asc(Mid(theString, i + 1, 1)) And 128) And (Asc(Mid(theString, i + 2, 1)) And 128) Then
isStringUTF8 = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
j = j + 1
If j > 100 Then Exit For
End If
End Function
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1072
VBA can't code text in UTF-8 this way. Use ADODB - yes, for text, not for database.
'ensure reference is set to Microsoft ActiveX DataObjects library
'(the latest version of it) under "tools/references"
Sub AdoTest()
Dim adoStream As ADODB.Stream
Set adoStream = New ADODB.Stream
'Unicode coding
adoStream.Charset = "Unicode" 'or any string listed in registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset
'open sream
'write a text
adoStream.WriteText "Text for testing: ěšč", StreamWriteEnum.stWriteLine
'save to file
adoStream.SaveToFile "D:\a\ado.txt"
End Sub
Reading is simplier, see my answer here:
Edited: I've inserted complete example.
Edited 2: Added refernce to list of coding in the registry
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 99
The question is for VBA on Mac, and I'm afraid none of the answers work on a Mac.
The question is about Unicode which comes in many flavours. I'll address the UTF-16 aspect of it. UTF-8 follows a different path, but it isn't difficult too. AFAIU, your question is about UTF-16 string.
The code below has no error handling, I'll let you take care of that.
Function writeUnicodeTextToFile(filePathName As String, myText As String)
`Dim myFileNumber As Long, I As Long, byteArray() As Byte
myFileNumber = FreeFile()
Open filePathName For Binary As #myFileNumber
ReDim byteArray(1)
' Create a BOM for your Unicode flavour
' (CHOOSE! one of the two, programmatically, or hard-code it)
' => Little Endian
byteArray(0) = 255: byteArray(1) = 254
' => Big Endian
'byteArray(0) = 254: byteArray(1) = 255
' now write the two-byte BOM
Put myFileNumber, 1, byteArray
' redimension your byte array
' note it works even if you don't Redim (go figure) but it's more elegant
I = (LenB(myText) / 2) - 1
ReDim byteArray(I)
' populate the byte array...
byteArray = myText
' ... and write you text AFTER the BOM
Put myFileNumber, 3, byteArray
Close #myFileNumber
End Function
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3953
I hope this will fit VBA for Word on Mac as well, but on Windows I have the CreateTextFile method of the FileSystemObject (see MSDN doc). There I can define to create a unicode text file.
Set fsObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set xmlFile = fsObject.CreateTextFile("path/filename.txt", True, True) 'the second "true" forces a unicode file.
xmlFile.write "YourUnicodeTextHere"
Upvotes: 11