Juan Pablo Gomez
Juan Pablo Gomez

Reputation: 5534

listview into collapsible set doesn't refresh

I have a Jquery mobile Project with some pages into main, one of them has this structure:

    @*Pagina componentes del documento*@
    <div id="PagDocumentoComponentes" data-role="page" data-theme="a">
        <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed">
            <a id="BtnVolverPagComponentes" href="#" data-rel="back" data-icon="back">Volver</a>
            <span id="PagDocumentoComponentesAdvertencia" style="color:red">Kit Incompleto</span>
            <h3 id="PagDocumentoComponentesTitulo">Componentes del Kit</h3>
        <div data-role="content">
                <div data-role="collapsible-set" data-mini="true" data-inset="true" data-filter="true" id="ComponentesDocumentoDisponibles">
                    <div data-role="collapsible" data-theme="e">
                        <h2>No hay componentes</h2>

Collapsible set marked with id="ComponentesDocumentoDisponibles", is filled dynamically with this code:

function mostrarComponentes(tcLink) {

$.post(tcLink, function (dataComponentes) {
    //  Se recorre cada item del kit que tiene componentes variables
}).error(function (dataError) {
    alert('No se pudo caragr la información el kit (' + dataError + ')');
}).success(function (dataComponentes) {

    var kitNode = ''
    var ItemNode = '';
    $(dataComponentes).each(function (object) {
        var kit = $(this)[0];
        var idComponente = kit.id;
        kitNode += format('<div data-role="collapsible" data-max="1" id ="{0}" data-theme="e">', idComponente + "Collapsible");
        kitNode += format('   <h2>{0}</h2>', kit.StrDescripcion);
        kitNode += format('   <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true" id="{0}">', idComponente);
        //  Se recorre cada item que compone el kit  
        $(kit.ItemsEnKit).each(function (object) {

            var item = $(this)[0];
            var iconoResta = '<image src="' + item.Image.toString() + '" class="ui-li-icon" style="width:22px;height:22px" />'

            ItemNode = format('<li data-cantidad="{0}" data-icon="plus" id="{1}">', item.NumCantidadAsignada.toString().trim(), item.Id);
            ItemNode += format('    <a href="#" onclick="modificarComponentes({0},{1});">{2} {3}</a>', quote(item.AccionDisminuir), quote(item.IdCantidad), iconoResta, item.StrDescripcion);
            ItemNode += format('    <a href="#" onclick="modificarComponentes({0},{1});"></a>', quote(item.AccionAumentar), quote(item.IdCantidad));
            ItemNode += format('    <span id="{0}" class="ui-li-count">{1}</span>', item.IdCantidad, item.NumCantidadAsignada);
            ItemNode += format('</li>');
            kitNode  += ItemNode;
        kitNode += format('   </ul>');
        kitNode += format('</div>');
    $(dataComponentes).each(function (object) {
        var kit = $(this)[0];
        $("#" + kit.id  + "Collapsible" ).collapsible();
            $("#" + kit.id).listview();
        } catch (e) {

in a typical case this function must build a two Collapsible ítems with a listview into each one.

My problem is in the try catch block, some times it Works fine, but another times it throw this exception:

Unable to get the property 'jQuery182044178615987382985' not defined or null reference 

When try to initialize each list.

The collapsible elements allways initialize fine,

NOTE: If I visit the parent page of collapsible set at least one time, all things go fine.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 178

Answers (1)

Juan Pablo Gomez
Juan Pablo Gomez

Reputation: 5534

Finally found a fix: All proccess of my data was performed on success event of jQuery post, just move it to done event.

It seems a problem of synchro between my app and jQuery times.

Upvotes: 1

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