Reputation: 613
So I've started learning 16 bit assembly using NASM on a Windows machine. If got this little program that I've created that asks the user for input and then determines if the input is within a certain range (0 to 9). If it is, it goes on to see if the value is divisible by three, if not it's supposed to loop and ask the user for another value. Here's my code:
org 0x100
bits 16
;jump over data declarations
jmp main
db 6
db 0
user: times 6 db ' '
cr_lf: db 0dh, 0ah, '$'
message: db 'Please enter the number you select between 0 and 9:','$'
errormsg: db '***', 0ah, 0dh, '$'
finalMsg: db 'Number is divisible by 3!', 0ah, 0dh, '$'
finalErrorMsg: db 'Number is not divisible by 3!', 0ah, 0dh, '$'
outputbuffer: db ' ', '$'
;clear screen and change colours
mov ax, 0600h
mov bh, 17h ;white on blue
mov cx, 00
mov dx, 184Fh
int 10h
mov ah, 02
mov bh, 00
mov dx, 0a00h
int 10h
;get user input
mov ah, 01
int 21h
;display string
mov ah, 09
int 21h
mov dx, errormsg
call display_string
int 21h
jmp loop1
cmp al, 30h ;compare input with '0' i.e. 30h
jl errstar ;if input is less than 0, display error message
call ThirdPhase ;input is clearly within range
xor dx, dx ;set dx to 0 for the divide operation
;at this point al has the value inputted by the user
mov bl, 3 ;give bl the value
div bl ;divide al by bl, remainder stored in dx, whole stored in ax
cmp dx, 0 ;compare remainder to 0
jg notEqual ;jump to not divisible by three as remainder is greater than 0
je end
mov dx, finalErrorMsg
call display_string
int 20h
mov dx, finalMsg
call display_string
int 20h
;main section
call clear_screen ;clear the screen
call move_cursor ;set cursor
mov dx, message ;mov display prompt into dx
call display_string ;display message
call get_chars ;read in character
;at this point a character value is inputted by the user
cmp al, 39h ;compare with '9' i.e. 39h
jle nextphase ;if value is less than or equal to 9, move onto next phase
jg errstar ;else call error and loop
Anyway, so the value range checking works fine and the looping works fine too. The problem I've got is at the divisible in the three ThirdPhase section. My understanding is that firstly I need to make sure dx contains a value of 0. Then move the value 3 into bl. Now al contains the user input, bl contains the value 3, and dx is 0. Then during the div bl part, al is divided by bl which is the value of 3. The remainder is stored in dx and if compared to 0 and found to be greater then it should jump to notEqual section else jump to end section.
As it is now, I always get the finalMsg displayed, which is only supposed to be displayed if the value is completely divisible by 3.
Anyone have some suggestions. Thanks. JP.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2594
Reputation: 58284
You are doing a div bl
, which is dividing by a byte. So the quotient is in al
and the remainder is in ah
, not in ax
and dx
, respectively, as your code assumes. Make sure you clear ah
before the div
since your dividend is the single byte in al
Upvotes: 3