Reputation: 4514
I am using the jQuery Validation plugin for validating my form.
I want to validate the zip code as per US ZIPCode format :-
> 12345
> 12345-6789
> 12345 6789
As per my curent code its validating the zipcode should be maximum 5 and all numeric.
Please see the code below:
<script src="~/Scripts/js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
$().ready(function () {
// validate signup form on keyup and submit
rules: {
'Address.AddressStreet': "required",
'Address.City': "required",
'Address.State.Country.CountryIsoCode': "required",
'Address.State.SubnationalIsoCode': "required",
'Address.PostalCode': {
required: true,
minlength: 5,
maxlength: 5,
digits: true
messages: {
'Address.AddressStreet': "Please enter your Street Address!",
'Address.City': "Please select your City!",
'Address.State.Country.CountryIsoCode': "Please select your Country!",
'Address.State.SubnationalIsoCode': "Please select your State!",
'Address.PostalCode': {
required: "Please enter your Postal Code!",
minlength: "Your Postal Code must be 5 numbers!",
maxlength: "Your Postal Code must be 5 numbers!",
digits: "Your Postal Code must be 5 numbers!"
@using (Html.BeginForm(Model.Step.ToString(), "Provision", FormMethod.Post, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "locationSetup" } }))
<table width="100%" id="locInfo">
<col width="30%" />
<col />
<th><label>@AddressResource.COUNTRY_LABEL_TEXT:</label> <span class="redtext">(Required)</span></th>
@* @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Address.State.Country.CountryIsoCode)*@
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Address.State.Country.CountryIsoCode, ProvisioningHubProxy.GetCountriesList(),
htmlAttributes: new { @id = "Countries", @name = "Countries" })
<th> <label>@AddressResource.STATES_LABEL_TEXT:</label><span class="redtext">(Required)</span></th>
<td> @Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.Address.State.SubnationalIsoCode, ProvisioningHubProxy.GetStatesList(),
htmlAttributes: new { @id = "States", @name = "States" })</td>
<th><label>@AddressResource.CITY_LABEL_LABEL_TEXT:</label><span class="redtext">(Required)</span></th>
<td> @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Address.City, htmlAttributes: new { @name = "City", @id = "City" })</td>
<th> <label>@AddressResource.STREET_NAME_LABEL_TEXT:</label><span class="redtext">(Required)</span></th>
<td>@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Address.AddressStreet, htmlAttributes: new { @name = "StreetName", @id = "StreetName" })</td>
<th><label>@AddressResource.US_POSTAL_CODE_LABEL_TEXT:</label><span class="redtext">(Required)</span></th>
<td>@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Address.PostalCode, htmlAttributes: new { @name = "ZipCode", @id = "ZipCode", @required = "required" })</td>
Please suggest.
Upvotes: 18
Views: 51125
Reputation: 466
Zip code validation routines are provide in additional-methods.js but I would question why you ask for country information if you are going to invalidate the form for any country other than the US? Please remember that only about 5% of the worlds population uses a US zipcode. I would recommend you make you postcode validation routines dependent on the country actually selected by the user.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 101604
Add a custom validator:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("zipcode", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /^\d{5}(?:-\d{4})?$/.test(value);
}, "Please provide a valid zipcode.");
_If you want to accept spaces1 between zipcode, use /^\d{5}(?:[\s-]\d{4})?$/
for the pattern instead.
then specify it in your options:
rules: {
'Address.PostalCode': {
zipcode: true,
Note that the extension library additional-methods.js has a zipcodeUS
validator as well (but unless you're using any of the other ones it may not make sense to include it).
1 According to the spec, properly formatted zip codes consist of five (5) numbers or five (5) numbers follower by a hyphen (-) and four (4) additional numbers. A space shouldn't technically be acceptable, but I'll provide the pattern regardless.
Upvotes: 32
Reputation: 4737
You can define a custom validator:
jQuery.validator.addMethod('zipcode', function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || !!value.trim().match(/^\d{5}(?:[-\s]\d{4})?$/);
}, 'Invalid zip code');
Then use it like this
<input class="zipcode"/>
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 98728
Simply include the additional-methods.js
file and use the zipcodeUS
rules: {
// rules,
'Address.PostalCode': {
required: true,
zipcodeUS: true // <-- use it like this
If you don't want to include the additional-methods.js
file, you can copy the following method into your code...
jQuery.validator.addMethod("zipcodeUS", function(value, element) {
return this.optional(element) || /\d{5}-\d{4}$|^\d{5}$/.test(value)
}, "The specified US ZIP Code is invalid");
Upvotes: 16