Reputation: 23
we are running a set of Frank/cucumber tests through a jenkins server to test an iOS app.
The tests run locally just fine, and also when run manually on the jenkins server. However, when going through jenkins, we get occasional errors causing the build to fail, which then work fine when we run jenkins again (i.e. press the 'Build now' button) without changing anything.
we run the following code to run the tests:
cucumber features/ipad --tags ~@ignore
I then added the rerun parameter to dump the failed tests into a text file:
-f rerun -o rerun.txt
and then ran cucumber rerun.txt straight afterwards, so ithe whole comman looks like this:
cucumber features/ipad --tags ~@ignore -f rerun -o rerun.txt; cucumber @rerun.txt
This works fine, it catches the failing tests, and reruns them again after the other tests.
However, jenkins still marks the build as a fail, even though the rerun passed.
Is there a way to tell cucumber or jenkins to ignore the first test run, and only mark the rerun tests as a pass or fail?
Or is there a neater way around this?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4941
Reputation: 161
why you don't try to get your test results using groovy
def getResults(){
AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class)
def failCount = null
def failureDiffString = null
def totalCount = null
def passed = null
def passrate = null
if (testResultAction != null) {
failCount = testResultAction.failCount
totalCount = testResultAction.totalCount
passed = totalCount - failCount
passrate = (passed/totalCount*100).toInteger()
return passrate
and you can use something like this :
if(getResults() >= 95){
} else {
throw new Exception("Pass rate lower than 95%")
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 130052
The jenkins script is pretty simple. The build fails when a script fails, that is, has non zero exit code.
Also, if you are using the junit plugin to publish your results, make sure the plugin is not failing your build when it finds a failed test in the results.
However, try to find the reason why test fail. Always get the application log for your test runs and check what happens there. If an automated test is not reliable, use manual testing.
Also, you can use cucumber hooks to take a screenshot whenever a test fails. That's a big help when you are trying to understand failed tests.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 16305
Sorry, if I am ignorant or just don't understand the philosophy of cucumber, but failing tests usually have a reason. In general, find out why your tests fail and then fix that issue (or your tests).
To answer you question more directly, you can check into the Log Parser Plugin. My gut feeling tells me that Jenkins correctly marks jobs as failed (or better as unstable) when a testcase fails.
Upvotes: 1