Reputation: 13
I'm struggling to find the Standard Deviation for my assignment, i've done everything else and i'm just struggling with this last bit. My assignment question in a nutshell is: I am given a text file of assignment results from a group of students (has to be for any number). The only Data given is the students name, fan and their results, you need to calculate their averages grades and the standard deviation. The output should look like:
Student Name FAN Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Mark Grade
Adam Adamson adam0001 85.4 79.8 82.4 86.1 82.77% DN
Bethany Bright brig0001 89.7 85.6 84.2 82.9 84.92% DN
Cameron Carlson carl0001 55.45 49.82 60.4 42.27 50.23% P
David Dawson daws0001 72.6 78.49 80.2 65.88 74.46% CR
Evelyn Ellis elli0001 50.2 35.88 48.41 58.37 46.57% FA
Frances Fitz fitz0001 78.9 75.67 82.48 79.1 78.38% DN
Greg Gregson greg0001 24.3 32.88 29.72 28.4 30.05% F
Harriett Hope hope0001 52.2 58.93 61.5 63.44 60.12% P
Ivan Indigo indi0001 88.4 91.23 90.05 92.46 91.08% HD
Jessica Jones jone0001 82.33 89.74 81.3 84.85 85.84% HD
Average 67.948 67.804 70.066 68.377 68.44% CR
StdDev 19.4442
I know the equation I need to use and I know which numbers I need to use I Just don't know how to get them. I'll show you what I need to do so hopefully you will understand my code further down:
the total of the averages divided by 10 = 68.442
sum = (82.77-68.442)^2 + (84.92-68.442)^2 + (50.23-68.442)^2 + ... + (85.84-68.442)^2
StdDev = Math.sqrt(sum/10)
stdDev = 19.4442
I am using 3 classes for this, my main class Topic Management, a Student class, which contains an array with the students name and fan (neither are really relevant to my question but I thought I had better just set the scene), and finally the StudentsMarks Class, which contains my StdDec method displayed below:
public static double StdDev() throws IOException
String [][] marks = StudentMarks.StudentMarks();
double mean = 0, average = 0, stdDev = 0;
int row = 0;
for(row = 0; row < marks.length; row++)
double score1 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][2]); //parsing the data from the array into a double
double score2 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][3]);
double score3 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][4]);
double score4 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][5]);
average = score1*0.1 + score2*0.4 + score3*0.2 + score4*0.3;
mean = average/row;
stdDev = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(average - mean,2)/row);
return stdDev;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4419
Reputation: 3083
I just would like to note that to estimate the standard deviation from a sample, one normally uses the equation
where sum
is the sum over all quadratic deviations and N is the sample size. So in your example, you would have to divide by 9, not 10. Maybe this produces the numbers you expect.
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Here's how I'd do it.
You can manage it without an array. Just keep track of the sum of values, sum of values squared, and number of values.
I only added List of grades for display purposes. Not part of mean or variance calculations.
package reportcard;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* Student
* @author Michael
* @link
* @since 9/29/13 12:19 PM
public class Student {
private final String name;
public Student(String name) {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Name cannot be blank or null"); = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Student student = (Student) o;
if (!name.equals( return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Student{");
return sb.toString();
package reportcard;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Transcript
* @author Michael
* @link
* @since 9/29/13 12:21 PM
public class Transcript {
private final Student student;
private final List<Double> grades;
private double sum = 0.0;
private double sumsq = 0.0;
private int numGrades = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student student = new Student("Fatty Arbuckle");
Transcript transcript = new Transcript(student);
double [] grades = { 2, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 7, 9 };
for (double grade : grades) {
public Transcript(Student student) {
if (student == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Student cannot be null");
this.student = student;
this.grades = new ArrayList<Double>();
public void addGrade(double grade) {
if (grade > 0.0) {
this.sum += grade;
this.sumsq += grade*grade;
public double getMean() {
double mean = 0.0;
if (this.numGrades > 0) {
mean = this.sum/this.numGrades;
return mean;
public double getVariance() {
double stddev = 0.0;
if (this.numGrades > 0) {
stddev = Math.sqrt((this.sumsq-this.sum*this.sum/this.numGrades)/this.numGrades);
return stddev;
public String toString() {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Transcript{");
sb.append(", grades=").append(grades);
sb.append(", sum=").append(sum);
sb.append(", sumsq=").append(sumsq);
sb.append(", numGrades=").append(numGrades);
sb.append(", mean=").append(this.getMean());
sb.append(", variance=").append(this.getVariance());
return sb.toString();
package reportcard;
* Grade encapsulates grades with values
* @author Michael
* @link
* @since 5/24/13 6:01 PM
public enum Grade {
APLUS("A+", 4.3),
A("A", 4.0),
AMINUS("A-", 3.7),
BPLUS("B+", 3.3),
B("B", 3.0),
BMINUS("B-", 2.7),
CPLUS("C+", 2.3),
C("C", 2.0),
CMINUS("C-", 1.7),
DPLUS("D+", 1.3),
D("D", 1.0),
DMINUS("D-", 0.7),
F("F", 0.0);
private final String symbol;
private final double value;
Grade(String symbol, double value) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.value = value;
public String getSymbol() {
return symbol;
public double getValue() {
return value;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6622
u need 2 loops since u need to subtract average from every row.
double[] sum = new double[marks.length];
for(row = 0; row < marks.length; row++)
double score1 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][2]); //parsing the data from the array into a double
double score2 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][3]);
double score3 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][4]);
double score4 = Double.parseDouble(marks[row][5]);
sum[row] = score1*0.1 + score2*0.4 + score3*0.2 + score4*0.3;
average += sum[row];
average = average/sum.length; //1
for(row = 0; row < sum.length; row++)
mean += Math.pow(Math.abs(sum[row] - average),2);
mean = mean/marks.length;//2
stdDev = Math.sqrt(mean);
Upvotes: 1