Reputation: 31
I have a directory with many sub-directories that contain thousands of jpgs. What I want to do is create a batch script that will go through all of the sub-directories and delete every 2nd image i.e. keep the first, third, fifth image but delete the second, fourth, and six image etc per directory (ordered by filename).
I tried with the following but my knowledge of batch scripting is poor, and the syntax is clearly incorrect.
@echo off
set z = 0
for /f %%a in ('dir/b *.jpg')
do (
set z = z + 1
if z == 2 del %%a
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2478
Reputation: 130819
The DO must be on the same line as FOR.
You must use SET /A if you want to do math
Your logic is wrong - Currently it will only delete the 2nd file, not every other one. You should take the mod 2 value (remainder devided by 2) and delete if the result is 0.
You must use %z%
if you want to see the current value (except within a SET /A statement). But that will not work inside a code block that just set the value. In that case you need to enable delayed expansion and use !z!
Expanding a FOR variable that contains !
(valid in file names) while delayed expansion is enabled will corrupt the value. So delayed expansion must be toggled on and off
You say you want to recurse sub-directories, but your code only looks at one folder.
Spaces are significant in the SET statement. Your code defines a variable z
with a space at the end of the name. Not what you want.
Here is a debugged version:
@echo off
for /r %%D in (.) do (
set "z=0"
for /f %%F in ('dir /b "%%D\*.jpg"') do (
set /a "z+=1, r=z%%2"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if !r! equ 0 del "%%D\%%F"
There are ways to solve this without delayed expansion. One is to simply alternate between defining and undefining a variable.
@echo off
for /r %%D in (.) do (
set "del="
for /f %%F in ('dir /b "%%D\*.jpg"') do if defined del (
del "%%D\%%F"
set "del="
) else set "del=1"
Another is to intentionally divide by 0 when you want to delete, and delete only when there is an error. Error messages are hidden by 2>nul
, and the ||
operator conditionally executes the following command only if the prior command failed.
@echo off
for /r %%D in (.) do (
set "z=0"
for /f %%F in ('dir /b "%%D\*.jpg"') do 2>nul set /a "z+=1, 1/(z%%2)" || del "%%D\%%F"
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 37569
try this and remove the echo
if the output looks good:
@echo off &setlocal
for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%a in ('dir /b /s /a-d *.jpg^|findstr /n $') do (
echo %%a|findstr "[02468]$" >nul && echo del "%%~b"
Upvotes: 1