Reputation: 335
I'm currently working on a custom import script for Magento and now I want to add products to the Tags from the CSV file. I've used a snippet from another question here on StackOverflow, but for some reason it doesn't do what is expected.
function addTag($bundleProductId, $tagArray) {
$tags = explode(',', $tagArray);
array_walk($tags, 'trim_value');
$customerId = NULL;
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
$productId = $bundleProductId;
$tagModel = Mage::getModel('tag/tag');
//$tagModel->loadByName($tagName); // if not using a loop
foreach ($tags as $tagName) {
$tagModel->unsetData()->loadByName($tagName); //if using a loop
if (!$tagModel->getId()) {
$relationStatus = $tagModel->saveRelation($productId, $customerId, $storeId);
After the script has run, the Admin Panel shows the new tags with a "1" in the "Products" column, (as expected,) but when I edit the Tag nothing has been selected.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1219
Reputation: 2669
Its hard to find until to see full code. But anyway here I have include another bit of code that I have used it regularly and its working fine.
class Mage_Catalog_Model_Convert_Adapter_ProductTags extends Mage_Catalog_Model_Convert_Adapter_Product {
public function saveRow(array $importData) {
$product = $this->getProductModel ();
$product->setData ( array () );
if ($stockItem = $product->getStockItem ()) {
$stockItem->setData ( array () );
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$productId = $product->getIdBySku($importData['sku']);
$tagNames = $importData['product_tags'];
if (empty ( $importData ['sku'] )) {
$message = Mage::helper ( 'catalog' )->__ ( 'Skip import row, required field "%s" not defined', 'sku' );
Mage::throwException ( $message );
if ( !$productId ) {
$message = Mage::helper ( 'catalog' )->__ ( 'Skip import row, required field "%s" not Valid Sku', $importData['sku'] );
Mage::throwException ( $message );
if(strlen($tagNames) && $productId) {
$session = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/session');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
$productId =$product->getId();
$message = Mage::helper ( 'catalog' )->__ ( 'Skip import row, required field "%s" not valid', 'sku' );
Mage::throwException ( $message );
} else {
try {
$customerId = NULL;
$storeId = 1;
$counter = new Varien_Object(array(
"new" => 0,
"exist" => array(),
"success" => array(),
"recurrence" => array())
$tagModel = Mage::getModel('tag/tag');
$tagRelationModel = Mage::getModel('tag/tag_relation');
$tagNamesArr = $this->_cleanTags($this->_extractTags($tagNames));
foreach ($tagNamesArr as $tagName) {
->setCreatedAt( $tagRelationModel->getResource()->formatDate(time()) );
if (!$tagModel->getId()) {
$relationStatus = $tagModel->saveRelation($productId, $customerId, $storeId);
$counter[$relationStatus][] = $tagName;
$counter->setNew($counter->getNew() + 1);
else {
$tagStatus = $tagModel->getStatus();
$relationStatus = $tagModel->saveRelation($productId, $customerId,'');
$counter[$relationStatus][] = $tagName;
switch($tagStatus) {
case $tagModel->getApprovedStatus():
if($this->_checkLinkBetweenTagProduct($tagRelationModel)) {
$relation = $this->_getLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel);
if ($relation->getId()) {
if (!$relation->getActive()) {
else {
$counter->setExist(array_merge($counter->getExist(), array($tagName)));
else {
$counter->setSuccess(array_merge($counter->getSuccess(), array($tagName)));
case $tagModel->getPendingStatus():
$relation = $this->_getLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel);
if ($relation->getId()) {
if (!$relation->getActive()) {
else {
$counter->setNew($counter->getNew() + 1);
case $tagModel->getDisabledStatus():
if($this->_checkLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel)) {
$counter->setRecurrence(array_merge($counter->getRecurrence(), array($tagName)));
else {
$counter->setNew($counter->getNew() + 1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$message='Unable to save tag(s).';
Mage :: throwException( $e.$message );
return true;
protected function _getLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel){
return Mage::getModel('tag/tag_relation')->loadByTagCustomer(
protected function _checkLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel){
return (count($this->_getLinkBetweenTagCustomerProduct($tagRelationModel, $tagModel)
->getProductIds()) > 0);
protected function _checkLinkBetweenTagProduct($tagRelationModel){
$customerId = $tagRelationModel->getCustomerId();
$res = in_array($tagRelationModel->getProductId(), $tagRelationModel->getProductIds());
return $res;
protected function _cleanTags(array $tagNamesArr){
foreach( $tagNamesArr as $key => $tagName ){
$tagNamesArr[$key] = trim($tagNamesArr[$key], '\'');
$tagNamesArr[$key] = trim($tagNamesArr[$key]);
if( $tagNamesArr[$key] == '' ) {
return $tagNamesArr;
protected function _extractTags($tagNamesInString){
return explode("\n", preg_replace("/(\'(.*?)\')|(\s+)/i", "$1\n", $tagNamesInString));
protected function userCSVDataAsArray($data) {
return explode ( ',', str_replace ( " ", "", $data ) );
protected function skusToIds($userData, $product) {
$productIds = array ();
foreach ( $this->userCSVDataAsArray ( $userData ) as $oneSku ) {
if (($a_sku = ( int ) $product->getIdBySku ( $oneSku )) > 0) {
parse_str ( "position=", $productIds [$a_sku] );
return $productIds;
//// Para importar categorias
protected $_categoryCache = array ();
protected function _addCategories($categories, $store) {
$rootId = $store->getRootCategoryId ();
if (! $rootId) {
return array ();
$rootPath = '1/' . $rootId;
if (empty ( $this->_categoryCache [$store->getId ()] )) {
$collection = Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/category' )->getCollection ()->setStore ( $store )->addAttributeToSelect ( 'name' );
$collection->getSelect ()->where ( "path like '" . $rootPath . "/%'" );
foreach ( $collection as $cat ) {
$pathArr = explode ( '/', $cat->getPath () );
$namePath = '';
for($i = 2, $l = sizeof ( $pathArr ); $i < $l; $i ++) {
$name = $collection->getItemById ( $pathArr [$i] )->getName ();
$namePath .= (empty ( $namePath ) ? '' : '/') . trim ( $name );
$cat->setNamePath ( $namePath );
$cache = array ();
foreach ( $collection as $cat ) {
$cache [strtolower ( $cat->getNamePath () )] = $cat;
$cat->unsNamePath ();
$this->_categoryCache [$store->getId ()] = $cache;
$cache = & $this->_categoryCache [$store->getId ()];
$catIds = array ();
foreach ( explode ( ',', $categories ) as $categoryPathStr ) {
$categoryPathStr = preg_replace ( '#s*/s*#', '/', trim ( $categoryPathStr ) );
if (! empty ( $cache [$categoryPathStr] )) {
$catIds [] = $cache [$categoryPathStr]->getId ();
$path = $rootPath;
$namePath = '';
foreach ( explode ( '/', $categoryPathStr ) as $catName ) {
$namePath .= (empty ( $namePath ) ? '' : '/') . strtolower ( $catName );
if (empty ( $cache [$namePath] )) {
$cat = Mage::getModel ( 'catalog/category' )->setStoreId ( $store->getId () )->setPath ( $path )->setName ( $catName )->// comment out the following line if new categories should stay inactive
setIsActive ( 1 )->save ();
$cache [$namePath] = $cat;
$catId = $cache [$namePath]->getId ();
$path .= '/' . $catId;
if ($catId) {
$catIds [] = $catId;
return join ( ',', $catIds );
I download it few months ago from some where. Configure local module ( actually overwrite the core system ) place this file this\code\local\Mage\Catalog\Model\Convert\Adapter\ then, Go to Admin section and go to system->Import/Export/Advanced Profile Click on Create New profile Give proile name as Product Tag Import and in Actions XML * paste below code
<action type="dataflow/convert_adapter_io" method="load">
<var name="type">file</var>
<var name="path">var/import</var>
<var name="filename"><![CDATA[tag_file.csv]]></var>
<var name="format"><![CDATA[csv]]></var>
<action type="dataflow/convert_parser_csv" method="parse">
<var name="delimiter"><![CDATA[,]]></var>
<var name="enclose"><![CDATA["]]></var>
<var name="fieldnames">true</var>
<var name="store"><![CDATA[0]]></var>
<var name="number_of_records">1</var>
<var name="decimal_separator"><![CDATA[.]]></var>
<var name="adapter">catalog/convert_adapter_ProductTags</var>
<var name="method">parse</var>
tag_file.csv is the file of your import data. this file contains just 2 fields, sku and product_tags. Add your product sku's and corresponding tags. and put that file in your var/import directory. you can view this file in admin section as I mentioned above. Thats it ..!! Let me know if have any problem.
Upvotes: 1