Reputation: 4302
I am trying to create an .ics
file when a user clicks a button.
So far the code I have is
msgData1 = $('.start-time').text();
msgData2 = $('.end-time').text();
msgData3 = $('.Location').text();
var icsMSG = "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nVERSION:2.0\nPRODID:-//Our Company//NONSGML v1.0//EN\nBEGIN:VEVENT\nUID:[email protected]\nDTSTAMP:20120315T170000Z\nATTENDEE;CN=My Self ;RSVP=TRUE:MAILTO:[email protected]\nORGANIZER;CN=Me:MAILTO::[email protected]\nDTSTART:" + msgData1 +"\nDTEND:" + msgData2 +"\nLOCATION:" + msgData3 + "\nSUMMARY:Our Meeting Office\nEND:VEVENT\nEND:VCALENDAR";
$('.button').click(function(){ "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(icsMSG));
This downloads a .ics
file but when I try to open this in iCal I am told it can not read the file.
Upvotes: 31
Views: 95279
Reputation: 49
Here is a good example on Codepen, created by vivien. Basically this function:
function convertDate(date) {
var event = new Date(date).toISOString();
event = event.split("T")[0];
event = event.split("-");
event = event.join("");
return event;
function makeIcsFile(date, summary, description) {
var test =
"PRODID:-//Test Cal//EN\n" +
"VERSION:2.0\n" +
"UID:test-1\n" +
convertDate(date.start) +
"\n" +
convertDate(date.end) +
"\n" +
summary +
"\n" +
description +
"\n" +
var data = new File([test], { type: "text/plain" });
// If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
// manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
if (icsFile !== null) {
icsFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
return icsFile;
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 573
ics.js didn't work for me since i was loading the data asynchronously from my database. I then switched to ical.js combined with the saveAs function from ics.js and it worked. If anyone here is having the same issues, feel free to text me then i will provide an example
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 548
There is an open source project for this:
It's 100% JavaScript and worked on all modern browsers except for IE 9 and below.
If you are interested in how they get the files working, you can check their source. They use the following libraries to perform the heavy lifting:
Upvotes: 10
Reputation: 500
I used icsFormatter which was mentioned and by smartbart24. But I was required to support IE down to version 7, so I had to tweak things a little.
To use icsGen, my fork of icsFormatter, you have to have php 4 or 5 installed on your webserver.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 524
I used the ics.js solution mentioned by InsanelyADHD.
One problem with the solution was that Chrome did not detect the filetype correctly and tried to open the file as text with the editor.
I changed the download function to open the text simply with: "data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(calendar));
My fork on Github is icsFormatter.js
Regarding the license: I have contacted the original author to include a GPL - after that I will include one too.
Upvotes: 29
Reputation: 4635
You have two colon for the organizer address: "MAILTO::[email protected]"
If this does not solve the issue, you will have to show us the full ical stream, as it is received by iCal.
Finally, and assuming that start_time and end_time are using the correct format, for the location field, you may need to wrap lines ( and escape certain characters ( In other words, you may want to look at iCalendar libraries.
Upvotes: 4