Reputation: 321
i'm having a warning compiling my lexer with ocaml :
File "lexer.mll", line 42, characters 26-57:
Warning 10: this expression should have type unit.
And I want to parse strings and I make a special rule which starts when the lexer reads a quote and ends when i read an other quote, and in this case returns the string and calls the rule token for every other caracter.
Here's the file :
open Int32
open Lexing
open Parser
exception LexicalError of string * Lexing.position * Lexing.position
let string = Buffer.create 50
let error s lexbuf =
raise (LexicalError(s, Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf, Lexing.lexeme_end_p lexbuf))
let kwords = [ "boolean", BOOLEAN; "class", CLASS; "else", ELSE;
"extends", EXTENDS; "for", FOR; "if", IF; "instanceof",
INSTANCEOF; "int", INT; "new", NEW; "null", NULL; "public",
PUBLIC; "return", RETURN; "static", STATIC; "this", THIS;
"void", VOID; "String", STRING; ]
let ident_or_kword s =
List.assoc s kwords
Not_found -> IDENT(s)
let blank = [' ' '\t' '\n']+
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let alpha = ['a'-'z''A'-'Z']
let ident = ((alpha | '_')(alpha | '_' | digit)*)
let car = [' '-'~']
let end_quote = '"'
rule comment = parse
| "*/" { token lexbuf }
| eof { error "End Of File" lexbuf }
| _ { comment lexbuf }
and chaine = parse
| end_quote { CSTRING(Buffer.contents string); token lexbuf }
| car as c { Buffer.add_char string c; token lexbuf }
| eof { error "End Of File" lexbuf }
| _ as c { error (String.make 1 c) lexbuf }
and token = parse
| blank { token lexbuf }
| "/*" { comment lexbuf }
| ident as id { ident_or_kword id }
| '"' { chaine lexbuf }
| '.' { MEMBER }
| '=' { ASSIGN }
| "==" { EQ }
| "!=" { DIFF }
| '<' { LESS }
| "<=" { LESS_EQ }
| '>' { GREATER }
| ">=" { GREATER_EQ }
| "++" { PLUS_PLUS }
| '+' { PLUS }
| "--" { MINUS_MINUS }
| '-' { MINUS }
| '*' { TIMES }
| '/' { DIV }
| '%' { MOD }
| "&&" { AND }
| "||" { OR }
| '!' { BANG }
| '(' { LP }
| ')' { RP }
| '{' { LB }
| '}' { RB }
| '[' { LC }
| ']' { RC }
| ';' { SC }
| ',' { COMMA }
| "true|false" as bool { CBOOL(bool_of_string bool) }
| digit+ as int {
CINT(of_string int)
_ -> error int lexbuf }
| eof { EOF }
| _ as c { error (String.make 1 c) lexbuf }
Upvotes: 0
Views: 467
Reputation: 66823
I can't try your code because I don't have your Parser module.
It looks to me like you need to have this:
| end_quote { CSTRING(Buffer.contents string) }
In your code, the compiler is complaining that this expression isn't of type unit
. In fact its value is a token, which is what you want to return. There's no need to call the scanner at this point, I'm pretty sure. You already have your token.
Upvotes: 1