Reputation: 176698
I want to look at the source code for a function to see how it works. I know I can print a function by typing its name at the prompt:
> t
function (x)
<bytecode: 0x2332948>
<environment: namespace:base>
In this case, what does UseMethod("t")
mean? How do I find the source code that's actually being used by, for example: t(1:10)
Is there a difference between when I see UseMethod
and when I see standardGeneric
and showMethods
, as with with
> with
standardGeneric for "with" defined from package "base"
function (data, expr, ...)
<bytecode: 0x102fb3fc0>
<environment: 0x102fab988>
Methods may be defined for arguments: data
Use showMethods("with") for currently available ones.
In other cases, I can see that R functions are being called, but I can't find the source code for those functions.
> ts.union
function (..., dframe = FALSE)
.cbind.ts(list(...), .makeNamesTs(...), dframe = dframe, union = TRUE)
<bytecode: 0x36fbf88>
<environment: namespace:stats>
> .cbindts
Error: object '.cbindts' not found
> .makeNamesTs
Error: object '.makeNamesTs' not found
How do I find functions like .cbindts
and .makeNamesTs
In still other cases, there's a bit of R code, but most of work seems to be done somewhere else.
> matrix
function (data = NA, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE, dimnames = NULL)
if (is.object(data) || !is.atomic(data))
data <- as.vector(data)
.Internal(matrix(data, nrow, ncol, byrow, dimnames, missing(nrow),
<bytecode: 0x134bd10>
<environment: namespace:base>
> .Internal
function (call) .Primitive(".Internal")
> .Primitive
function (name) .Primitive(".Primitive")
How do I find out what the .Primitive
function does? Similarly, some functions call .C
, .Call
, .Fortran
, .External
, or .Internal
. How can I find the source code for those?
Upvotes: 698
Views: 453789
Reputation: 1
you can view the source code of the function from run the function without brackets()
function (..., na.rm = FALSE) .Primitive("sum")
you can type function like View(function_name)
function (x) { if (is.expression(x)) return("expression") if ( return(switch(deparse(x[[1L]])[1L], `(` = "(", "call")) if ( "name" else switch(tx <- typeof(x), double = , integer = "numeric", closure = , builtin = , special = "function", tx) }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 565
A quick solution for the R-plugin in PyCharm (for RStudio, see the answer by @Arthur Yip).
Type, if necessary, and select the function name in the Editor or R Console. Then "Go to Declaration" or use shortcuts CTRL-B or Command-B.
Note: this is not useful for .Primitive
(ie, internally implemented) functions.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 52708
Example: let's get the source code for the cat()
if (is.character(file))
if (file == "")
file <- stdout()
else if (startsWith(file, "|")) {
file <- pipe(substring(file, 2L), "w")
else {
file <- file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w"))
.Internal(cat(list(...), file, sep, fill, labels, append))
If we try to get the source code for read_xml()
# UseMethod("read_xml")
That's not much use to us! In this case, take a look at the methods:
# read_xml.character* read_xml.connection* read_xml.raw* read_xml.response*
And use getAnywhere on the value(s) above to see the source code:
Let's try to see the source code for qqnorm()
# UseMethod("qqnorm") # Not very useful
# [1] qqnorm.default* # Making progress...
getAnywhere("qqnorm.default") # Shows source code!
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 37
To see the source code of the function use print()
f <- function(x){
x * 2
x * 2
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1328
For non-primitive functions, R base includes a function called body()
that returns the body of function. For instance the source of the print.Date()
function can be viewed:
will produce this:
if (is.null(max))
max <- getOption("max.print", 9999L)
if (max < length(x)) {
print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max = max, ...)
cat(" [ reached getOption(\"max.print\") -- omitted",
length(x) - max, "entries ]\n")
else print(format(x), max = max, ...)
If you are working in a script and want the function code as a character vector, you can get it.
will get you:
[1] "{"
[2] " if (is.null(max)) "
[3] " max <- getOption(\"max.print\", 9999L)"
[4] " if (max < length(x)) {"
[5] " print(format(x[seq_len(max)]), max = max, ...)"
[6] " cat(\" [ reached getOption(\\\"max.print\\\") -- omitted\", "
[7] " length(x) - max, \"entries ]\\n\")"
[8] " }"
[9] " else print(format(x), max = max, ...)"
[10] " invisible(x)"
[11] "}"
Why would I want to do such a thing? I was creating a custom S3 object (x
, where class(x) = "foo"
) based on a list. One of the list members (named "fun") was a function and I wanted
to display the function source code, indented. So I ended up with the following snippet in
sourceVector = capture.output(print(body(x[["fun"]])))
cat(paste0(" ", sourceVector, "\n"))
which indents and displays the code associated with x[["fun"]]
Edit 2020-12-31
A less circuitous way to get the same character
vector of source code is:
sourceVector = deparse(body(x$fun))
Upvotes: 35
Reputation: 33970
In addition to the other answers on this question and its duplicates, here's a good way to get source code for a package function without needing to know which package it's in.
e.g. say if we want the source for randomForest::rfcv()
edit(getAnywhere('rfcv'), file='source_rfcv.r')
View(getAnywhere('rfcv'), file='source_rfcv.r')
Note that edit()
opens a text editor (of user's choice), whereas
invokes a spreadsheet-style data viewer.
is great for browsing (multi-columnar) data, but usually terrible for code of anything other than toy length.edit()
is IMO actually far better than View()
, since with edit()
you can collapse/hide/dummy out all the arg-parsing/checking/default/error-message logic which can take up to 70% of an R function, and just get to the part where the function actually operationally does something(!), what type(s) of objects its return type is, whether and how it recurses, etc.capture.output(getAnywhere('rfcv'), file='source_rfcv.r')
Upvotes: 115
Reputation: 1709
- eg. View(mean)
Make sure to use uppercase [V]. The read-only code will open in the editor.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 6230
In RStudio, there are (at least) 3 ways:
(function_name) (as stated above)A new pane will open with the source code. If you reach .Primitive or .C you'll need another method, sorry.
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 400
You can also try to use print.function()
, which is S3 generic, to get the function write in the console.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 480
As long as the function is written in pure R not C/C++/Fortran, one may use the following. Otherwise the best way is debugging and using "jump into":
> functionBody(functionName)
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 34763
Didn't see how this fit into the flow of the main answer but it stumped me for a while so I'm adding it here:
To see the source code of some base infix operators (e.g., %%
, %*%
, %in%
), use getAnywhere
, e.g.:
# A single object matching ‘%%’ was found
# It was found in the following places
# package:base
# namespace:base
# with value
# function (e1, e2) .Primitive("%%")
The main answer covers how to then use mirrors to dig deeper.
Upvotes: 22
Reputation: 176698
is telling you that t()
is a (S3) generic function that has methods for different object classes.
For S3 classes, you can use the methods
function to list the methods for a particular generic function or class.
> methods(t)
[1] t.default t.ts*
Non-visible functions are asterisked
> methods(class="ts")
[1] aggregate.ts cbind.ts* cycle.ts*
[5] diffinv.ts* diff.ts kernapply.ts* lines.ts
[9] monthplot.ts* na.omit.ts* Ops.ts* plot.ts
[13] print.ts time.ts* [<-.ts* [.ts*
[17] t.ts* window<-.ts* window.ts*
Non-visible functions are asterisked
"Non-visible functions are asterisked" means the function is not exported from its package's namespace. You can still view its source code via the :::
function (i.e. stats:::t.ts
), or by using getAnywhere()
. getAnywhere()
is useful because you don't have to know which package the function came from.
> getAnywhere(t.ts)
A single object matching ‘t.ts’ was found
It was found in the following places
registered S3 method for t from namespace stats
with value
function (x)
cl <- oldClass(x)
other <- !(cl %in% c("ts", "mts"))
class(x) <- if (any(other))
attr(x, "tsp") <- NULL
<bytecode: 0x294e410>
<environment: namespace:stats>
The S4 system is a newer method dispatch system and is an alternative to the S3 system. Here is an example of an S4 function:
> library(Matrix)
Loading required package: lattice
> chol2inv
standardGeneric for "chol2inv" defined from package "base"
function (x, ...)
<bytecode: 0x000000000eafd790>
<environment: 0x000000000eb06f10>
Methods may be defined for arguments: x
Use showMethods("chol2inv") for currently available ones.
The output already offers a lot of information. standardGeneric
is an indicator of an S4 function. The method to see defined S4 methods is offered helpfully:
> showMethods(chol2inv)
Function: chol2inv (package base)
can be used to see the source code of one of the methods:
> getMethod("chol2inv", "diagonalMatrix")
Method Definition:
function (x, ...)
<bytecode: 0x000000000ea2cc70>
<environment: namespace:Matrix>
target "diagonalMatrix"
defined "diagonalMatrix"
There are also methods with more complex signatures for each method, for example
Function: extract (package raster)
x="Raster", y="data.frame"
x="Raster", y="Extent"
x="Raster", y="matrix"
x="Raster", y="SpatialLines"
x="Raster", y="SpatialPoints"
x="Raster", y="SpatialPolygons"
x="Raster", y="vector"
To see the source code for one of these methods the entire signature must be supplied, e.g.
getMethod("extract" , signature = c( x = "Raster" , y = "SpatialPolygons") )
It will not suffice to supply the partial signature
#Error in getMethod("extract", signature = "SpatialPolygons") :
# No method found for function "extract" and signature SpatialPolygons
In the case of ts.union
, .cbindts
and .makeNamesTs
are unexported functions from the stats
namespace. You can view the source code of unexported functions by using the :::
operator or getAnywhere
> stats:::.makeNamesTs
function (...)
l <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
nm <- names(l)
fixup <- if (is.null(nm))
else nm == ""
dep <- sapply(l[fixup], function(x) deparse(x)[1L])
if (is.null(nm))
if (any(fixup))
nm[fixup] <- dep
<bytecode: 0x38140d0>
<environment: namespace:stats>
Note that "compiled" does not refer to byte-compiled R code as created by the compiler package. The <bytecode: 0x294e410>
line in the above output indicates that the function is byte-compiled, and you can still view the source from the R command line.
Functions that call .C
, .Call
, .Fortran
, .External
, .Internal
, or .Primitive
are calling entry points in compiled code, so you will have to look at sources of the compiled code if you want to fully understand the function. This GitHub mirror of the R source code is a decent place to start. The function pryr::show_c_source
can be a useful tool as it will take you directly to a GitHub page for .Internal
and .Primitive
calls. Packages may use .C
, .Call
, .Fortran
, and .External
; but not .Internal
or .Primitive
, because these are used to call functions built into the R interpreter.
Calls to some of the above functions may use an object instead of a character string to reference the compiled function. In those cases, the object is of class "NativeSymbolInfo"
, "RegisteredNativeSymbol"
, or "NativeSymbol"
; and printing the object yields useful information. For example, optim
calls .External2(C_optimhess, res$par, fn1, gr1, con)
(note that's C_optimhess
, not "C_optimhess"
). optim
is in the stats package, so you can type stats:::C_optimhess
to see information about the compiled function being called.
If you want to view compiled code in a package, you will need to download/unpack the package source. The installed binaries are not sufficient. A package's source code is available from the same CRAN (or CRAN compatible) repository that the package was originally installed from. The download.packages()
function can get the package source for you.
download.packages(pkgs = "Matrix",
destdir = ".",
type = "source")
This will download the source version of the Matrix package and save the corresponding .tar.gz
file in the current directory. Source code for compiled functions can be found in the src
directory of the uncompressed and untared file. The uncompressing and untaring step can be done outside of R
, or from within R
using the untar()
function. It is possible to combine the download and expansion step into a single call (note that only one package at a time can be downloaded and unpacked in this way):
untar(download.packages(pkgs = "Matrix",
destdir = ".",
type = "source")[,2])
Alternatively, if the package development is hosted publicly (e.g. via GitHub, R-Forge, or, you can probably browse the source code online.
Certain packages are considered "base" packages. These packages ship with R and their version is locked to the version of R. Examples include base
, compiler
, stats
, and utils
. As such, they are not available as separate downloadable packages on CRAN as described above. Rather, they are part of the R source tree in individual package directories under /src/library/
. How to access the R source is described in the next section.
If you want to view the code built-in to the R interpreter, you will need to download/unpack the R sources; or you can view the sources online via the R Subversion repository or Winston Chang's github mirror.
Uwe Ligges's R news article (PDF) (p. 43) is a good general reference of how to view the source code for .Internal
and .Primitive
functions. The basic steps are to first look for the function name in src/main/names.c
and then search for the "C-entry" name in the files in src/main/*
Upvotes: 654
Reputation: 253
There is a very handy function in R edit
new_optim <- edit(optim)
It will open the source code of optim
using the editor specified in R's options
, and then you can edit it and assign the modified function to new_optim
. I like this function very much to view code or to debug the code, e.g, print some messages or variables or even assign them to a global variables for further investigation (of course you can use debug
If you just want to view the source code and don't want the annoying long source code printed on your console, you can use
Clearly, this cannot be used to view C/C++ or Fortran source code.
BTW, edit
can open other objects like list, matrix, etc, which then shows the data structure with attributes as well. Function de
can be used to open an excel like editor (if GUI supports it) to modify matrix or data frame and return the new one. This is handy sometimes, but should be avoided in usual case, especially when you matrix is big.
Upvotes: 14
Reputation: 2113
It gets revealed when you debug using the debug() function. Suppose you want to see the underlying code in t() transpose function. Just typing 't', doesn't reveal much.
function (x)
<bytecode: 0x000000003085c010>
<environment: namespace:base>
But, Using the 'debug(functionName)', it reveals the underlying code, sans the internals.
> debug(t)
> t(co2)
debugging in: t(co2)
debug: UseMethod("t")
debugging in: t.ts(co2)
debug: {
cl <- oldClass(x)
other <- !(cl %in% c("ts", "mts"))
class(x) <- if (any(other))
attr(x, "tsp") <- NULL
debug: cl <- oldClass(x)
debug: other <- !(cl %in% c("ts", "mts"))
debug: class(x) <- if (any(other)) cl[other]
debug: attr(x, "tsp") <- NULL
debug: t(x)
EDIT: debugonce() accomplishes the same without having to use undebug()
Upvotes: 31