Reputation: 1074
So I tried to automate running in a game, where the map is huge, and I have to run miles. I wanted to toggle on the hotkey (Ctrl+Shift+A or something else) press the running (in the game, I can run with w). I tried code, like:
Pause On
Send w
(it can press the w, but it can't release) and like this:
toggle := !toggle
while toggle
Send {w down}
(same problem). It's just my problem, or these codes are wrong?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 25462
Reputation: 790
Suspend 1 ; Start suspended so that only ScrollLock is listened for
#SuspendExempt ; Start exempting from suspension
if(A_IsSuspended) ; If the script is suspended, start cruising
Suspend 0 ; Start listening for W and S
Send "{W Down}" ; Hold down W
else ; If we're already cruising, stop
#SuspendExempt False ; Stop exempting from suspension
Send "{W}" ; Press W once to stop holding down W
Suspend 1 ; Stop listening for W and S
; Press W or S to stop cruising
This is what I ended up with in AutoHotkey V2. Press ScrollLock to start cruise control and then W, S or ScrollLock to stop it.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
Toggle := 1
Q::Send, % Toggle = 1 ? ( "0", Toggle := 0 ) : ( "9", Toggle := 1 )
Change Q to your preferred hotkey, and change "0" and "9" to the keys you want to toggle through. Make sure to set your abilities or weapons to the keys you replace in "0" and "9".
So, lets say I have a primary and secondary weapon. I bind them in game to 9 and 0.
I press Q to cycle between them for fast weapon switching. Or w/e else you want.
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Reputation: 1
A silly noob example where F10 is the toggle hotkey, and the up/down state is a variable. The variable needs to be pre-declared to give the initial value.
To be honest I expected an error message, but it seemed to run fine.
Send {w %keystate%}
if keystate = down
SetEnv, keystate, up
else if keystate = up
SetEnv, keystate, down
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2756
I have a (at least i think) much simpler solution :)
Input, Key, ,{Enter}
Send, {%Key% Down}
You press ScrollLock (which I doubt you use for anything else, otherwise set it to a free key), and then enter the name of button to be held down.
You end the input with the Enter key, and after that the program will hold down the entered key.
If you want to "lift up" the key, just simply press it once, and it will be held down no more. :)
ps.:I have #NoTrayIcon, because I'm running it permanently in the background, but if you wanted to be able to exit then simply add something like this:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 508
This is my stock function. I usualy map it to ^W or Q. Pressing w or s will cancel it. Easy peasy.
SendInput {w up}{w down}
Sleep 100
GetKeyState state, w
if state = u
If GetKeyState("s")
SendInput {w up}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 339
+^vk41:: ; shift+ctrl+a
SetTimer, % "SomeLable", % (bToggle:=!bToggle) ? 25:"Off"
KeyWait, % "vk41"
SendInput, % "{vk57}" ; w
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