Reputation: 1869
I am making a very simple search query in classic asp that looks for words in the database that are 'like' the users search query.
My webpage is saying there are no results when I search for "test". However I have a specific post titled search which I can see in my database.
I'm not sure why this isn't working.
<% option explicit %>
<link href="normalize.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--#include file="header.asp"-->
<!--#include file="dbconn.asp"-->
dim stage, s, sql, info
stage = request.querystring("stage")
if stage = "" then stage=1
if stage = 1 then
response.write "<form action=""search.asp"" method=""get"">" &_
"<input type=""hidden"" name=""stage"" value=""2"">"&_
"<input type=""text"" id=""search"" name=""search"">" &_
"<input type=""submit"" value=""Search"">" &_
elseif stage = 2 then
'--- grab the data from the form
dim search
search = Request.QueryString("search")
'--- execute the query
' 0 1 2
SQL = " select ID, projectName, Description from projectstable"&_
" where (projectName like ' %search% ' or description like ' %search% ')"
set info=conn.execute(sql)
if info.eof then
response.write " <div class=""box2"">"&chr(13)
response.write " Sorry, no records matching your query"&chr(13)
response.write " </div>"&chr(13)
response.write "<div class=""list"">" &_
"<table>" &_
"<tr>" &_
"<th>Title</th><th>Post</th>" &_
response.write "<tr>" &_
loop until info.eof
response.write "</table></div>"
end if
end if ' stage
response.write "<br clear=""left""><br>"
if stage=2 then
response.write "<i>that's all folks!</i><br><br>"&_
"<a href=""search.asp"">Search again</a> | "
end if
response.write "<a href=""./"">back to main page</a>"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1099
Reputation: 62841
Your query needs to be changed to enclose the search variable into the sql string (vs searching for the phrase "search"):
SQL = " select ID, projectName, Description from projectstable"&_
" where (projectName like '%" & search & "%' or description like '%" & search & "%')"
With that said, this is vulnerable to sql injection. Do be careful with such an approach. Consider using parameterized queries instead.
Upvotes: 2